Web Resources

General Resources


Mathematical Resources










Geography Resources





History Resources






General/Quizzes & Facts




Encyclopedia Brittanica Schools


Twinkl; All Classes

Twinkl are offering all parents and teachers a One Month FREE Ultimate Membership to Twinkl.ie. This will allow parents and teachers unlimited access to every single resource for every single curriculum subject from junior infants to sixth class.


Notes:  go to www.twinkl.ie/offer and enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS. This code will only work for new memberships. 

World Book All Levels; The World Book is a resource offered by the PDST. 


Literacy / English Resources 

EPIC All Levels; Epic! is an online library which offers over 35000 resources including “Read to Me” books, audiobooks, student tracking, reading level linkage with Accelerated Reader and other reading levelling schemes. It also offers high interest texts such as National Geographic Kids and Guinness Book of Records. It is suitable for children from ages 4-12. https://www.pdst.ie/DistanceLearning/SourcesofInformation#epic 

Gill Explore Junior Infants to 2nd Class

Gill Education has provided free access to gillexplore.ie to all of the pupil resources from Junior Infants to 2nd Class from our Over the Moon complete Primary English Language programme. Pupil resources for programme include:

    • Skills Books
    • All readers
  • Pupil’s digital resources


Notes: Sign up required. For any digital support queries, please contact 01 500 9542 or digitalsupport@gill.ie.

Edco Learning; All Class Levels

Pupil resources for programme include:

    • Skills Books; 
      • All readers
  • Pupil’s digital resources


Notes: Username: primaryedcobooks  Password: edco2020 

BorrowBox; All class levels

If you or your child/children or parent/s are a member of the local library, you can access an App or website called BorrowBox. It is free. I use it for audio books and also, ebook. There is a children’s section. 


Notes: To register, you need your library card which has your membership number on the back.

Vooks; All class levels

Vooks is committed to being a resource for families to keep kids reading at home.  Vooks can also be a welcome distraction for parents, allowing them to enjoy time with their kids, watching and discussing books together. To help, we have created take-home lesson plans that can be shared with parents and guardians – built to provide children with 20 minutes a day of read aloud time and activities.


Notes: Free one month, sign up required

Oxford Owl Ebook Reader Library

Junior Classes

Oxford Owl has an ebook library with over 250 books in it and offers free access to teachers and parents once you create an account at www.oxfordowl.co.uk They also have some vocabulary and comprehension activities for most of the books. 


C.J. Fallon

Go to www.cjfallon.ie and you will see an Important Notice relating to COVID-19. There is a button labelled CLICK HERE for free access. It allows you to access online books.

Writing Legends

Junior Classes

As part of their Assistance for Schools response to Coronavirus they are providing Writing Legends free of charge through to July 31, 2020. Writing Legends is a comprehensive writing program, containing hundreds of activities for students in grades 3 to 6. The regular price is $11.50 (USD) per student.  


www.sorchaj.com; Infants to Fifth Class

This site covers phonics, dolch, Jolly Phonics including tricky word lists and practice reading sentences following the Spellbound order of words and more.


Rivet Reading; Infants to Fifth Class

Rivet Reading App by Google is not available in the EU, but the web version of the books, with reading is. High Interest Reading books are available with help for pupils with words that are not easily decodable. Topics range from Animals to History, Sport to Science .Very useful for reluctant readers and self-guided.


Teach Your Monster to Read

Infants to 1st Class. 

Teach Your Monster to Read is a fun activity that helps infants work on everything from initial sounds, CVC words, blends and digraphs all the way to full words and sentences. The Web platform is free for teachers and students (the App costs, but is not necessary). Teachers can set up a class quite easily and can simplify passwords. Great fun game that children can engage with at home (although teachers cannot set sounds – pupils work through independently).  


Literacy / Gaeilge Resources

Duolingo – Gaeilge; 2nd – 6th Class

Duolingo can be used for learning any language but and can be used in school to improve Gaeilge. Teachers can set up a class and input their pupils. This generates a username and password which can be shared with your pupils. They can use Duolingo on phones, tablets, computers. Teachers can set a weekly goal for pupils to reach or set a new skill to be learned.


Áiseanna Gaeilge ar líne:

Symbaloo List of Gaeilge Web Sites

Symbaloo: Gaeilge Websites

Léitheoireacht: Séideán Sí (gach leibhéal)


Teanga ó Bhéal: Scéal an Lae – TG4

1st – 6th Class

Short stories i nGaeilge read aloud online. Perfect for first – 6th classes i Scoil T2 or rang ar bith i Scoil T1.

 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Sc%C3%A9al+an+laeLink to the website

Teanga ó Bhéal: Soundcloud – An Gúm

Soundcloud – Irish language stories read aloud online/ scéalta i nGaeilge  ón nGúm


Irish songs online / Amhráin i nGaeilge ar líne

Anam an Amhrán – Youtube


Numeracy / Maths Resources


3rd Class up

Loads of games to practice Multiplication.


Top Marks – Hit the Button

Class Level

Hit the Button is an interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number, bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers. Games are against the clock and develop number fact recall. Designed for 6-11 year olds. 


Notes: A paid app version is available from Apple/Google Play/Amazon but the web browser version is free to use.

Top Marks – Daily 10

Class Level

HiDaily 10 is a primary maths resource which covers addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, place value, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles, halves and fractions. It has been designed primarily for use on an interactive whiteboard. The aim is to help teachers deliver 10 maths questions many which can be used for mental maths practise.

Sets of questions can be timed or untimed and the activities are ideal for starter and plenary sessions. They are graded in levels of difficulty which match year group levels in England’s National Curriculum Maths requirements. This means the resource is suitable for children from 5 to 11 years of age.


Science Resources

Scholastic Learn at Home (Free)

Day to day projects (USA based) for children Infants to Sixth Class. 


Science Foundation Ireland

Infants to 6th Class

Any science experiment you could ever think of is nicely organised into lots of different sections. Much of the equipment you can find at home but well worth exploring to try and do a science experiment every few days.


Geography Resources

Ask About Ireland

Infants to 6th Class

 This web site covers both History and Geography from infants to 6th class including some great project ideas. There’s probably enough here to cover the entire curriculum. 


Scoilnet Geography

Infants to 6th Class

Teachers working with Scoilnet have produced a number of subject-based themed pages. Each theme page presents a set of links and resources on a particular topic. This page contains a number of resources on different Geography topics. 


History Resources

Ask About Ireland

Infants to 6th Class

This web site covers both History and Geography from infants to 6th class including some great project ideas. There’s probably enough here to cover the entire curriculum. 


SPHE Resources

Scoilnet SPHE Page

Infants to 6th Class

A small number of resources to support the SPHE curriculum including the Webwise programme


Tools to Stay On Task

Class Level:  Everyone, including adults

Tools designed to help a person work steadily for a set time interval, then take a five-minute break. These programs can help students eliminate distractions while they work by blocking access to content that isn’t used for learning.

Block Site (Chrome Extension)

Stay Focused (Chrome Extension)

Strict Workflow (Chrome Extension)

Resources to support PE or Exercise at Home


All class levels

GoNoodle is a really easy and good way to get kids moving. Popsico… Pop pop sico! 


Notes: Free

PSSI PE Lessons

All Levels

 Included on this resource is a set of support materials for the five strands of the physical education curriculum for primary schools. The materials have been designed to complement this curriculum and to assist primary teachers in its implementation. 


Notes: Free 

Music Resources


I Am An Artist

All Classes

One of the best produced Visual Arts guides for the curriculum.


Online art supports on Social Media


    1. Will Sliney https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmtQsXI3211I2eumTVKh4Kg coaches drawing of marvel characters
    1. Art for kids hub https://www.youtube.com/user/ArtforKidsHub coaches simple drawings
    1. Draw so cute https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3dEvA1is6-0_yuei9iCdEw coaches drawing simple cartoons
    1. Use your hand as a template for drawing simple pictures- 10 ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJNSOte9h4I
  1. Craft ideas using materials in the home  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSsdnC896pU


  1. LEARNSTAGRAM.2020 – online school including art lessons with minimal resources. (other subjects available on this platform) 

Here are some nice art ones that are free: 

Ethics / Religion Resources


All class levels

Has a wide range of resources and ideas including art and crafts, worksheets and “How to draw” videos. Resources to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, Lent, Holy Week and Easter. 


SEN Resources

SEN Teacher

One of the oldest sites dedicated the Special Education Teaching but has expanded its use to any type of learning environment. Loads of printables and interactive resources.


Curricular Material | National Council for Special Education 

– CPD and In-School Support


Learning about COVID-19 

Mathematical Resources










Geography Resources





History Resources






General/Quizzes & Facts




Encyclopedia Brittanica Schools


Science Resources

Science – Web Links

www.lifetimelab.ie Lifetime Lab., based in Cork, is a unique attraction for visitors of all ages with its modern interactive exhibition, themed playground, beautifully restored buildings and equipment and scenic views over the River Lee.
www.planetaqua.ie Planet Aqua endeavours to inspire and encourage young people in Ireland to appreciate the environmental and scientific importance of conserving and preserving the planet’s water habitats and resources, and in doing so, inspire them to take action in their lives to minimise their individual ecological footprints.
Discover Primary Science facilitates teacher training in general primary science and provides teachers with useful online resources. Learn more at www.primaryscience.ie
Learn about Greenwave the mass experiment examining and recording how spring arrives in Ireland at www.greenwave.ie
  • School Holidays

    • Enrolment News

      We will accept enrolment applications for Mainstream and ASD classes for the 2025/26 school year from Monday 6 January 2025 until Wednesday 29 January 2025.

      The number of available spaces in these rooms will be notified in December 2024.


      Use the first link for Applications to our Mainstream Junior Infant class & for applications to other Mainstream Classes

      New Enrolments

      Enrolment Application Form  school year

      Please attach a copy of the child's Birth Certificate with the application.

      Please contact the School Office for Information regarding Applications for our ASD Class.

      Forms for Special Class Applications are listed below.

      NCSE-Application-Form-1-Application-for-access-to-SNA-support (9)

      SEN-School-Transport-Application-Form (22)

    • May Bank Holiday
      We are closed on Monday 5 May
    • June Bank Holiday
      We are closed on Monday 2 June
    • Summer Holidays
      Provisional Closing Date is Friday 20 June
    • Easter Holidays
      We are closed from Mon 14th- to Friday 25th April inclusive.
      To make up lost school time, schools may stay open until 16th April