School Policies.

Kilmacrennan N.S. ICT Policy

Mission Statement

As well as being an important educational resource, the ability to use ICT effectively is a vital life skill in modern society.  Our aim is to produce learners (pupils and staff) who are confident and effective users of ICT.  We strive to achieve this aim by:

  • Helping all staff and pupils to explore the learning resources provided by ICT
  • Helping all children to use ICT with purpose and enjoyment
  • Helping all children to develop the necessary skills to exploit ICT
  • Helping children to become autonomous users of ICT
  • Helping all children to evaluate the benefits of ICT and its impact on society
  • Using ICT to develop partnerships beyond the school
  • Celebrating success in the use of ICT.
  • Providing copies of our policies to parent body/ Parents’ Association



Our school requires ICT in order to


  1. To provide the best possible education for all our pupils
  2. To provide a powerful and up to date teaching resource for all our teachers
  3. To allow for more effective administration
  4. To help provide more effective communication with staff and parents
  5. To communicate with teachers and pupils in Europe and further afield
  6. To prepare children for life in a technologically advanced world.


ICT is used in our school for:


  1. School Administration
  2. Research software
  3. Adventure games that stimulate higher order thinking skills and problem solving
  4. Word Processing of children’s work
  5. Research on the internet
  6. Communication via email
  7. Music composition and digital recording
  8. Storage of Records of achievement/portfolio assessment
  9. Special Needs pupils.
  10. Home-School links e.g webtext service, School Newsletters on website, Pupil & Parent Zone on website


Actual usage of ICT in School

Children will acquire a certain level of competency at using computers.  Skills to be learned are outlined below:




Junior  & Senior Infants      – Computer Familiarity- Programmes such as Starfall, Jolly Phonics, use of interactive whiteboard, Big Books, interactive Storytelling.  Junior and Senior Infants have introduced an interactive Gaeilgeprogramme ‘Bua na Cainte’ from September 2015. Weekly visits to school computer suite.  Online Music. Library borrowing using Databiz system
1st  & 2ndclass                      – as above. furtherComputer Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse; Competency using Drill Software Programmes such as BBC typing(Dance mat),


– Computer Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse and keyboard; File Open/Save; Write Stories; Competency using Drill Software, Programmes such as BBC typing, Mavis Beacon
3rd   & 4th class             – Computer Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse and keyboard; File Open/Save; Write Stories with Mixed Cases; Competency using Drill Software; Internet Research, Data Manipulation, use of educational games and activities across a range of school subjects; typing Programmes; News 2Day; webwise safety talks for parents
5th & 6th class                         – Computer Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse and keyboard; File Open/Save; Write Stories with Mixed Cases; Competency using Drill Software; Internet Research, Search Engines, Data Manipulation, typing programmes, project work, , Mavis Beacon, Powerpoint; webwise safety awareness for children; web safety talks for parents.







Summary of School Audit


Current Infrastructure


  • In keeping with our mission, we perceive computers being used as a tool of teaching and learning in each classroom. All computers are networked to our own internal network including networked printing.
  • Our current broadband provider is Eircom, as dictated by Department of Education and Skills Schools Broadband scheme.
  • There is an IT room which contains 10 PC’s.
  • Most up-to-date operating system to be chosen when purchasing new computers.
  • Each classroom has a data projector, interactive whiteboard and teacher laptop.
  • There is 1 digital cameras in the school for use by the classes
  • The office is equipped with a laptop, iPad, colour printer and a photocopier/scanner.
  • There are 16 Dell PCs in the classrooms.
  • Digital Information screen at reception area.


Current Usage of Facilities


  • Computers are used as a medium of teaching and learning in all the classrooms, but wealso timetable computer hours for each class stream in the computer suite.
  • Current usage includes pre-reading and early reading work; pre-number and early number work; mathematical application; development of thinking and problem solving skills; word processing, desktop publishing; use of multimedia encyclopaedia and typing skills; internet work; presentation of project work; creating art work; spelling; development of fine motor skills; music composition and recording.
  • Staff are encouraged and frequently attend ICT courses for up-skilling and continuous professional development.






Additional Information


ICT Co-ordination

  • The school has a special duties teacher, who holds responsibility for ICT as part of a designated schedule of responsibilities
  • Any IT faults which cannot be rectified by hardware user are to be reported to the ICT co-ordinator.
  • Anti-virus Protection is installed on all computers with access to broadband.



Pupils and teachers have permanent access to ICT.


Special Needs

Computers are provided in the learning support rooms, and resource rooms, as we recognise the potential of ICT to enhance the learning opportunities for pupils with special needs.  Children with specific writing, reading and numeracy needs are using ICT to provide alternative and complementary educational experiences.  Laptops and specialised keyboards are also provided where appropriate.


Exceptional Students

ICT is used in all classrooms to challenge and extend the educational opportunities for pupils with above average attainment.



  • We use FS Computers for our IT needs



Health and Safety Aspects

All new computers purchased will comply with European regulations regarding radiation.







School Website


  • The school hosts a website at
  • School newsletters and other news items will regularly be added
  • School policies that are relevant to parents will also be added to this site.


Communication & Ratification

–      Reviewed by staff in June 2015

  • School Holidays

    • Enrolment News

      We will accept applications for the 2024/25 school year from 8 January until 29 January 2024..


      Use the first link for Applications to our Mainstream Junior Infant class & for applications to other Mainstream Classes

      New Enrolments

      Enrolment Application Form  school year

      Please attach a copy of the child's Birth Certificate with the application.

      Please contact the School Office for Information regarding Applications for our ASD Class.

      Forms for Special Class Applications are listed below.

      NCSE-Application-Form-1-Application-for-access-to-SNA-support (9)

      SEN-School-Transport-Application-Form (22)

    • 2024/25 School Year
      We will reopen for pupils on Wed 28 August 2024