Nuacht Litir na Scoile/ March Newsletter

Nuacht Litir na Scoile/ March Newsletter

We are all busy at school at the moment and the following activities and planned events gives a flavour of the activities this month. 

School News: We are placing an emphasis on handwriting styles/neatness etc at school this term, and we encourage you to further support this at homeWe are also promoting the use of Irish phrases each week.

– We have introduced a lunch box system in a number of classes over the past few weeks whereby pupils are taking home any lunches that have not been eaten. This will give parents an idea of the food eaten/ not eaten by each child. We will monitor how this works over the term.

– We hope to host a celebration to open our Autism Suite before Easter and will post details in a few weeks’ time.

– The Modern Languages initiative is up and running again this year withSpanish lessons provided for pupils from Third to Sixth classes this term. 

– Pancake Tuesday ison Tuesday 4th March and we will have treats for the pupils on the day.

– World Book Day is on Thursday 6th March. Pupils are free to dress in literary/film/book theme or costume on the day and we will host in-school activities.

– Seachtain na Gaeilge is celebrated in early March each year and as part of our participation, beidh Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl do na páistí i Halla na Scoile ar an Aoine 15ú Márta. [There will be a School Concert for the pupils on Friday 15th March]. All are free to dress in a St Patrick/ Green theme on the day, if they so wish.

–  Feis Leitir Ceanainn is on the 20th March with pupils from the school participating in poetry, singing and traditional music performances.

Recent Events: We thank all those who represented the school in Céim Aniar poetry event in Downings and we enjoyed great success. Well done also to our school quiz teams who have qualified for the regional Credit Union finals on Sunday 9th March and for the County Finals of the Garda Quiz. We enjoyed GAA success at the recent Indoor Football Competition in An Craoibhín, winning three of the finals on the day. We will participate in the FAIS 5 a side soccer competition this month.P

– As part of our Attendance Monitoring Strategy, we note an attendance rate of 92.8 % during the month of February 2025, an increase of 2.1% on the same month last year.

Sponsored Walks/ Nature Outings: We have issued sponsorship cards and respectfully ask that they are returned to the school at the earliest opportunity. We will invest any monies raised in pupil resources and in our School Garden which has recently been expanded and greatly developed by Adrian Gaffey, to whom we are most grateful. We hope to organise the walk towards the end of the week, subject to favourable weather.

  • Feel free to visit our website to view old school photographs/classes that we are posting [Pupil Zone/ Throwback Thursday].
  • There will be no school on Monday 17th March [St Patrick’s Day}.

Dates for the diary:

First Confession: Tuesday 8th April @7.30pm in Termon Chapel

Confirmation Date: Thursday 10th April at 6pm

Kilmac 5k: Friday 16th MayO