Imeachtaí Scoile/ School Events

We are all busy at work this term, and the children are looking forward to a number of events that include the Credit Union Quiz in the Mt Errigal hotel (Monday 10th February), school outings, Futsal Sports, Sportshall, Children of the Eucharist workshop (Feb 13th), Irish poetry (Downings, Sat 15th February), etc. There will be a Cycle Right training course for Fifth class pupils this term while Third to Sixth will participate in the Say Yes to Languages programme (Spanish lessons).

We thank you all for contribution to a successful Grandparents’ Day in the school recently.

Attendance Matters

As part of our Attendance Strategy this term, we wish to report a pupil attendance of 94.4% during January 2025. This is an improvement of 0.5% on December last.

Obair Ranga/ Classroom Work

We are promoting, emphasising and encouraging neat handwriting in all classes at the moment and would appreciate if you could also emphasise this with homework exercises. We too are promoting Frásaí na Seachtaine in Irish. Recent phrases include Maidin Mhaith (Good Morning), Lá Maith duit (Have a Good Day) and weather topics (Tá sé té, fuar/ fliuch/ tirim/ gaofar inniu/ It is hot/cold/dry/windy etc). We encourage the use of this at home too.

Please note that we are also presently teaching RSE sensitive lessons in classes throughout the school. Class teachers will notify of arrangements specific to each class.

Parents’ Association News

The Parents’ Association are holding a meeting in the School Hall this evening Tuesday 4 February at 7.45pm; all are welcome to attend.

The Parents’ Association are organising a Valentine Bake Sale on Thursday 13th February. All support is appreciated (donations of homebakes, shop bought goods etc; €2 per treat).

February Newsletter

The school is closed for Mid-term break on Thurs 20th & Fri 21st February.

Dates for the Diary

Có-neartú/ Confirmation: 10ú Aibréan/ 10ú April

Comaoineach/ Communion: 17ú Bealtaine/ 17th May