We will host a Christmas Carols and Music Service in the School Hall on Wednesday 20 December 2023.

Junior to Second Class: Starts at 10am

Third to Sixth Class: Starts at 11.15am

Dress rehearsal on Tuesday 19th December. The pupils are free to wear Christmas jumpers on the day (and for the remainder of the week).

There will be a draw for a Christmas Hamper and Selection Boxes on the day. Tickets are €2 each, or three for €5 . They can be purchased in the Office or bought on the day.

The Parents’ Association will serve teas on the day. Please let Pauline G know if you are in a position to help out on the day. Donations of biscuits, buns etc by Tuesday 19th would be greatly appreciated.

Santa is due to pay a visit to the school later next week.