
Parent Zone

Advice for Parents

Issued by the DES

Advice during COVID-19:

Back to school Advice for parents

Most students will be looking forward to going back to school and will feel happy and excited. Some may feel a little anxious about returning. That’s a normal response at a time of change. Most will settle back in soon once they get used to the new rules and routines. Remind them of the positive aspects of returning – like re-connecting with friends and re-engaging with school activities.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Public Health Advice

Everyone has been working very hard to ensure a safe reopening of schools for staff, students and their families.

New rules and routines to follow to keep everyone safe:

> Good handwashing and hygiene practice – important for all students. Make sure your child knows to use a tissue to cover coughs or sneezes or to cough or sneeze into their elbow.

> In senior primary classes and at post-primary – physical distancing procedures will need to be followed by all. > Primary school – younger children may not be required to practice physical distancing, but they may be organised into pods. There may also be new rules about drop off and pick up.

> Staff in all schools, and post-primary students, should wear a face covering where a physical distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained.

Advice during COVID-19: Back to school Advice for parents Coronavirus COVID-19 Public Health Advice

New rules and routines to follow to keep everyone safe: > Encourage your child to walk or cycle to school if possible and safe to do so.

> Teachers understand that it hasn’t been easy for young people to study at home during school closures. Remember, we all have a role to play in getting everyone back to school safely.

For more see

Dear Parents

I hope you are all well and continuing to engage with school work, even during the lovely weather. Do make sure to get plenty of exercise and play-time and the school work-load should be getting a little lighter over the coming weeks. The class teachers have shown me some examples of your lovely work and it is certainly of a high standard.

We wish to thank Cathal Doherty for forwarding a link to view the Confirmation Mass and this link is available in the Sixth Class drop-bar.

We will once again operate a Book Rental Scheme for Senior Classes – Third to Sixth class- and individual class teachers will post book lists next week. We will also schedule times for each class to return this year’s School Rental Books, Musical Instruments etc in June. This will allow us to prepare books for our anticipated return to school in August. School Reports will also issue in mid-June.

You may be aware that we will now have seven mainstream teachers for our eight classes. This will involve the splitting of a class; we will provide you with the details of class and teacher allocations within the next fortnight or so. You made also have heard of a recent media announcement regarding the setting up of an ASD unit in the school. This is scheduled to start in time for the new school year and will cater for six pupils. It is planned to house this class in the vacant classroom. An extension to the building has been approved to cater for this additional classroom in the coming years.

The Board of Management recently drafted a new draft Enrolment Policy & Admissions Bill. This is available to view on our school website- in Parent Zone- and, in light of the Covid closure, we have extended the date for any submissions in regard to the policy to be submitted via email to by June 14th.

Please free to contact me if you require any further information or if you have any queries.

Kind regards,

John Devenney.

Free access to children’s magazines

The Primary Planet etc

The Primary Planet (9-12-year-olds)

News Flash  (7-10-year-olds)

Eipic (Irish language news magazine for 11+)

Also, school-at-home activities are posted online at every weekday morning

If you need any more information, or would like to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contacting us!

Hi, I appreciate that Covid-19 can be a challenging time for some and we will seek to help with any schooling challenges at this time. Feel free to contact me on with any queries.

Many of the class teachers have set up class emails for parents to contact them if you so wish, or you can send it directly to the school. Class email contacts are found under the individual classes.

Naí Shóis/ Junior Infants :

Naí Shin/ Senior Infants :

Rang 1 :

Rang 2 :

Rang 3 :

Rang 4 :

Rang 5 :

Rang 6 :

Please read the following letter for all parents.

Yours, John Devenney.

Dear Parent/ Guardian

Hi all,

I hope that you are all well and managing to find something to do to pass the time! As things stand, the lock down currently remains in place until the 5th of May and schools are closed until further notice. One of the unfortunate consequences of this is that Fr Dunne has noted that the Sacrament of First Holy Communion will not proceed as planned in May; I appreciate this is hugely disappointing but we will have something to look forward to at a later date.

We appreciate that posting school work is working very well for some students while others find it a bit more challenging. We do encourage you all to do your best and to keep working to the best of your ability. If you have any questions or queries, parents can e-mail the school at and we’ll do our best to help. Some of the teachers have set up individual emails and these can be found with their class work for the coming week.

We have set some work for the coming weeks. Work packs are being posted to Junior and Senior Infant pupils and should arrive on Monday or Tuesday. Work for the other classes can be found under ‘Our Classes’ drop-bar on the website. The SEN/ Learning Support team will make contact with their pupils over the next few days.

Please note that the deadline for applying for school transport is Friday, April 24th. This is done online at Kilmacrennan NS has no role in this process,

Please contact me via email if you require any further information,

Take care,

Yours sincerely,

John Devenney

Kevin has been busy!

~ (1600×1067)

Kevin, in Fifth Class, has been putting his spare time to good use recently. He has built a magnificent replica of the Titanic. Maith thú

Easter Note to All.

Hi, the Easter Holidays are here and I hope you are are all enjoying your unexpected time off school. We did give you some school work to do over the past few weeks and we hope you managed to get it done. If not, don’t worry about it. You can do it over Easter or, if it’s a little difficult to get done, your teacher will help you catch up with the work when we get back to school.

I hope you’ve heard our most recent School News. We have nine healthy new chicks, hatched from the eggs in  Ms Ferry’s Fourth class Chick Hatching Project. Our Debating Team won the Donegal Concern Debating League. Grace, in Sixth Class, was runner up in the Highland Radio Art competition. Well done to all.

Recreational Easter Ideas: If you are looking for ideas for Easter, how about trying a few of these.

1. Organising an Easter hunt,

2. Drawing an Easter Card

3. Writing a nice letter/postcard to a granny, grandad or to a friend in your class,

4. Write a daily diary of what you are doing, who you meet and what’s in the news,

5. Going for a daily walk,

6. Identify three new flowers or trees near you house,

7. Look for frogspawn with a parent,

8. Visit your church or chapel,Learn a little about what Easter Week means/Spy Wednesday/ Holy Thursday/ Good Friday/ Easter Sunday.

9. Play with a toy from Christmas last year.

10. Offer to do a job in the house each day.

11.Watch Virtual Classroom on Rte2 at 11am or Explore how to take a virtual Tour of Dublin Zoo.

12. Read a book (or ask somebody to read you a story this week).

If you’re allowed, visit our School Website with a parent {Pupil Zone} and look for an educational game you like. (www. is good fun for multiplication practice for 3rd to Sixth. Use the code Prim20 to access).

For anybody who is looking for Project Ideas, how about Famous People in History/Famous Irish People,  or Famous Women. You could write a story about your Grandparents and prepare some questions for a telephone interview. Keep your work to show your teacher when we get back to school. We certainly look forward to seeing it.

You don’t have to do any of the above ideas, but you might like some of them. You might even have some better ideas yourself.

We hope to see you soon. Take care,

From all your teachers at Kilmacrennan School.

*Remember to keep Social Distancing and to wash your hands regularly! *

Highland Radio Art Competition

Well done to all who entered the Highland Radio Art competition and congrats to Grace, a pupil in Sixth Class, on her success as runner-up. She receives a goodie-bag and vouchers. Maith thú.

School Debating Success

Congrats to our school debating team on winning the County Donegal Concern Deabating Championship lately. They are scheduled to represent Donegal in the All Ireland Regional Championship in late April, Covid-19 permitting!

Egg-cellent News

Egg-cellent News from Kilmac NS as Ms Ferry’s fourth class Chick Project plans have hatched. Patrick was the first-born, on St Patrick’s Day, while nine chicks in total have hatched.

  • School Holidays

    • Enrolment News

      We will accept enrolment applications for Mainstream and ASD classes for the 2025/26 school year from Monday 6 January 2025 until Wednesday 29 January 2025.

      The number of available spaces in these rooms will be notified in December 2024.


      Use the first link for Applications to our Mainstream Junior Infant class & for applications to other Mainstream Classes

      New Enrolments

      Enrolment Application Form  school year

      Please attach a copy of the child's Birth Certificate with the application.

      Please contact the School Office for Information regarding Applications for our ASD Class.

      Forms for Special Class Applications are listed below.

      NCSE-Application-Form-1-Application-for-access-to-SNA-support (9)

      SEN-School-Transport-Application-Form (22)

    • St Patrick's Day
      We will close on Monday 17th March 2025
    • May Bank Holiday
      We are closed on Monday 5 May
    • June Bank Holiday
      We are closed on Monday 2 June
    • Summer Holidays
      Provisional Closing Date is Friday 20 June
    • Easter Holidays
      We are closed from Mon 14th- to Friday 25th April inclusive.
      To make up lost school time, schools may stay open until 16th April