Parent Zone

ASD Pupil Enrolment: Contact the School Office for Enrolment Applications for any remaining spaces in our ASD Suites. Closing date for receipt of ASD Round One Applications is Feb 18th 2021. Please note that the number of available places in our ASD Suite is three pupils.
Jan 6th

Colouring Competition
Dec 10th

3rd Active School Flag
Dec 3rd
We were delighted in the school here when we received a phone call this week to say that we were successful in our application for the Active School Flag. This award is given to a school where physical activity is valued, promoted and enjoyed by all. This is our 3rd time receiving the flag and huge credit must go to teachers, student council members and indeed all the pupils who helped us gain this accreditation. The flag will be up for renewal again in December 2023. We hope to raise the flag during the week of the Christmas holidays.
Face coverings in Primary schools
Dec 1st
Face coverings in Primary schools
NPHET has recommended the wearing of face masks/coverings by children aged nine years and above on public transport, in retail and other indoor public settings as already required for children aged 13 years and over.
They have also recommended that this is introduced for children in 3rd class and above in primary schools. They have advised that this measure is being introduced on a temporary basis and is subject to review in mid-February 2022.
Guidance on face masks/coverings in Primary schools
Wearing a face covering or mask does not negate the need to stay at home if symptomatic.
Wearing of face masks/coverings
Pupils from third class and up in primary schools are required to wear a face mask/covering.
The exemptions to this are set out below.
Face masks/coverings
Face masks/coverings act as a barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from travelling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the face mask/covering coughs, sneezes, talks or raises their voice.
Face masks/coverings are therefore intended to prevent transmission of the virus from the wearer (who may not know that they are infected) to those with whom they come into close contact.
Face masks/coverings must not contain any slogans/logos/images that may cause upset or be deemed offensive to any member of the school community.
Visors Face masks/coverings are more effective than visors.
In the limited circumstances where a face mask/covering cannot be worn clear visors must be considered.
A medical certificate to certify that a person falls into a category listed below must be provided to the school on behalf of, any person (pupil) who claims that they are covered by the exemptions below:
any pupil with difficulty breathing or other relevant medical conditions
any pupil who is unable to remove the cloth face-covering or visor without assistance
any pupil who has special needs and who may feel upset or very uncomfortable wearing the cloth face covering or visor, for example pupils with intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental health conditions, sensory concerns or tactile sensitivity.
Schools will be best placed to identify those children whose complex needs are such that the wearing of face covering may not be possible for them, and to discuss this with parents as required. In such circumstances a school may not require medical certification to provide an exemption to the wearing of face coverings.
In other circumstances where a medical certificate is not provided that person (staff or pupil) will be refused entry to the school.
Directions for effective use of face masks/coverings
Information should be provided by schools on the proper use, removal, and washing of face coverings. Advice on how to use face coverings properly can be found here.
All pupils should be reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash or sanitise their hands (using hand sanitiser) before putting on and after taking off the face covering.
Face masks/coverings should be stored in a designated space, for example, in an individually labelled container or bag.
Cloth face coverings should be washed after every day of use and/or before being used again, or if visibly soiled.
Face masks/coverings should not be worn if they are wet. A wet cloth face covering may make it difficult to breathe.
Pupils using school transport
Pupils from 3rd class and up on the primary transport scheme are required to wear face masks/coverings subject to the exemptions above.
Mixed classes in single rooms
Where there are mixed classes, e.g. 2nd and 3rd class in a single classroom, schools should note that only children in 3rd class and above, are required to wear face masks. As per previous advice, however, parents of other children who would prefer that their children wear a face mask are not precluded from doing this.
Provision of face masks
Parents should be advised that they obtain face masks for their children which fit properly and are comfortable for the child to wear. In the event that a child forgets, loses or damages their masks during the course of the school day, then the school should have a sufficient supply to replace the mask for the child in case a back-up face covering is needed during the day or where required on an ongoing basis.
Nov 29th
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The school will close on Thursday, 2nd December at 12 noon for staff training (the School Bus will bring school bus pupils home at 12 noon). School will resume as normal on Friday, 3rd December.
As you may be aware, we have undertaken some works in our school grounds recently; this is in preparation for a prefabricated building that we hope to be in a position to use from late January/ February onwards. We have also submitted planning for a permanent two-classroom extension. We will let you know in due course of any updates in this regard.
We are facilitating a St Vincent de Paul food collection in the school this week. Please feel free to donate suitable, non-perishable items if you so wish. Any donated items will be used as part of food parcels for local use.
Christmas Annuals for the pupils are available to purchase from the class teacher, if you so wish. They are €2 each.
Finally, I wish to thank you all for your co-operation in relation to Covid issues over the term. It has been greatly appreciated and has contributed greatly to the wellbeing of all. I respectfully ask that you keep us updated of any Covid concerns you may have and that you continue to keep your child at home if they are symptomatic/ close contacts etc.
Kind regards,
John Devenney.
Christmas Shoe box appeal
Nov 3rd
We ask those who wish to participate in the Christmas Shoe box appeal to return the boxes to the school by Friday, 5th November.
Halloween Note
Oct 19th
Halloween Note
The mid-term break is upon us and we hope all enjoy a deserved rest. The school will close this Friday, 22nd October at 2/3pm for pupils and re-open on Monday, 1st November.
We anticipate that there will be some works taking place in the school grounds during the Halloween Break; this is to facilitate prefabs for our ASD units later this year. In advance of this, the Board of Management has already provided a new tarmacadam play area over the summer months. While this has been fully paid for, it has placed somewhat of a strain on Board of Management funds for pupil resources. As we have not requested a Voluntary Contribution in recent years, we enclose Sponsored Walk cards for each family and ask for your co-operation with fundraising in this regard. A permit has been granted for this to take place. We propose to hold class walks/ nature walks when we return after the Halloween break. The cards can be returned to the school after the Halloween break.
Please refresh your child’s name on school jumpers, coats etc over the break. I also wish to restress the importance of keeping the school car park for bus and staff parking only. I wish to remind you that the school does not accept responsibility for the supervision of pupils before the opening of the School Gates at 9 am. Pupils are free to dress up in Halloween costume on Friday of this week, if they so wish (otherwise please wear school uniform). Finally, I wish to thank you all for your co-operation in relation to Covid issues over the term. It has been greatly appreciated and has contributed greatly to the wellbeing of all.
Yours sincerely,
John Devenney.
October Newsletter
Oct 4th
October Newsletter
We’ve survived September and our pupils and staff are adapting well to the new norms. The pupils have settled quickly into school routine and even seem to be enjoying themselves reasonably well.
We appreciate your support and co-operation to date in these challenging Covid times. While the rules on close contacts etc have changed somewhat in the last week, we will endeavour to keep you up-to-date with any developments. We also appreciate that many of you are keeping your children off school if they have minor coughs, head colds and Covid symptoms and we are grateful to you for this. We hope that you appreciate that we are unable to meet with parents in face-to-face meetings as before but we remain available to chat to you if you have any concerns or queries. The best way to do this is to phone the School Office in advance and, to avoid disruption to teaching time, the class teacher or Principal Teacher will return a call at a later stage. We also request that the School Office is contacted if you are to collect your child early for an appointment and we will bring your child to the gate. We are unfortunately not accepting unplanned School Visitors at this stage.
We discontinued the practice of collecting an Annual School Contribution a number of years ago but we propose to hold a School Sponsored Walk this year before the Halloween Break.
Fr Dunne will host a further First Communion Day on Saturday, October 9th at 12 noon for those pupils who were unable to attend at the recent communion. Each family is allowed up to six people in their allocated pew (this number includes the communicant). We wish all a lovely day.
We will, as part of our Friendship/ Anti-Bullying Code, be covering Online Safety and Cyber-Bullying in classes this month. If your child has an online presence, this is an opportune time to refresh online safety rules with your child.
We kindly request that any outstanding fees owed for the School Book Rental are paid as soon as possible. We provide all School Books for Junior and Senior Infants at a cost of €60 per child and we operate a School Book Rental system for Third to Sixth Classes at a cost of €35 per child (family maximum of €60). This fee includes art and photocopying expenses etc.We request that names are refreshed regularly on all school items such as lunchboxes, school jumpers, coats and stationery and, in fairness to
all, that pupils maintain Healthy Lunches. We request that you do not provide sweets, crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks, glass bottles etc. Please let us know also if you have updated your mobile contact numbers.
We wish to remind you that the School Car-Park is for Staff and School Buses only. The car-park is somewhat busier as we now have a second school bus on the school grounds each day and we request your co-operation in this regard.
Please feel to contact me if you have any queries,
Yours sincerely,
John Devenney.
GAA League
Sep 30th
The annual ‘in-house’ school league will commence on the week beginning Monday 3rd October when students from Rang 4-6 will compete to see who will be crowned league champions 2021-22. The league will consist of 8 teams, divided into two sections. Each team will play a round-robin league with the top two teams qualifying for the semi-finals.
Student Council 2021-22
Sep 29th
The senior classes recently held ballots to elect a new student council for the school academic year. The following students were elected by their peers onto the new council and we wish them well in their new positons. Their roles will involve undertaking initiatives which are of benefit to the school and the wider community.
Rang 6 (Lee & Sadie)
Rang 5 (Matthew & Tara)
Rang 4 (Cara & Riley)
Rang 3 (Aaron & Anna)