Parent Zone
Christmas Arrangements.
Nov 11th
The school Christmas Concert was held in the school on Friday, 13th December. Junior to 2nd Class perfomed plays, while 3rd to 6th Class entertained with a Carol Service. Well done to all for an enjoyable day.

Streetscape Visit to the school.
Sep 26th
All pupils and staff enjoyed the visit of ‘Streetscape’ to our school in October. The Road Safety Authority oversaw this worthwhile project, aimed at educating pupils with regard to best road safety practices. The children particularly enjoyed active participation in the creation of an attractive streetscape, complete with traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, buildings, traffic, pedestrians etc.
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Sep 26th
Parent teacher meetings will be held on Thursday 14th of November from 3:15 – 5:45.
After School Homework Club
Sep 26th
Please note that Master Gallagher has started an After School Homework Club for pupils from first to sixth class, Monday to Thursday’s inclusive. Please contact Mr Gallagher for further information
First Holy Communion Date 2014.
Sep 24th
First Holy Communion for pupils in second class will take place in St. Columba’s Chapel, Kilmacrennan on Sunday, 18th May 2014 at 12.30p.m.
Confirmation Date 2014.
Sep 24th
Confirmation for pupils in sixth class will take place on Sunday, 16th February 2014 in St. Columba’s Chapel, Kilmacrennan.
Additional School Closure-Election Date.
Sep 12th
Please note that the school will be closed on Friday, 23rd May 2014 to facilitate voting in the forthcoming election.
School’s Cross Country Championship.
Sep 12th
The school’s Cross Country Championship was held in the Finn Valley Centre on Wednesday, 25th September 2013. Well done to the 33 pupils involved.
Pupil’s from First Class to Sixth Class are presently undertaking a six-week lunch time fitness programme.
New School Year Info
Aug 28th
All children returned to school on Wednesday 28th of August. We wish to welcome all pupils back and offer a particular warm welcome to our 27 new Junior Infant pupils. The current enrolment is 220 pupils.
We wish to remind parents that the official school opening time is 9:10am daily and that members of staff supervise from that time only.
We request that you accompany your child/ren to/from the school gates at all times. We remind you also that the school car park is for staff and school bus parking only.
Please ensure that all items (jumpers, coats, lunchboxes, etc) are labelled with your child’s name.
Please feel free to contact the school at the earliest opportunity if you have any queries/concerns etc.
School diaries are available from class teachers at a cost of €2.50.

A GR8 Day Out
Jun 20th
The day broke beautifully as we jumped out of bed early and headed for the shower to get ready for one of the most important days of the school year. Our school, Scoil Cholmcille, Kilmacrennan, had been chosen as one of just four schools nationwide to take part in the Children’s G8 Summit to be held in the Armagh City Hotel.
Each and every one of us had to attend school for 7:50am. Most of us were tired but the excitement of the day and the chance to meet new people knocked the tiredness away. Our teacher, Master Gallagher and our school principal, Master Devenney, made a final head count of twenty four pupils. With seat belts in place, we headed off on our journey.
There we met the three other schools. They were St Mark’s Primary School from the Twinbrook area of Belfast, Gracehill Primary School from outside Ballymena and Griffeen Valley Educate Together from Lucan, Co. Dublin.
Each school had prepared presentations on topics of interest to them. We chose Asylum Seekers and Refugees and Forced Evictions. Other topics discussed included Animal Cruelty, Food Poverty and The Impact of Globalisation in Poor Counties.
After all the talking was completed, we got delicious food while talking and debating with the others schools. At half past one we had to say goodbye to our new friends. A picture of the whole group was taken to remember this momentous day.
All in all it was a great day. We expected the summit to be a bit boring and academic but we learned loads. It really made us think of what is going on around the world. On the way home, we got a treat and our teacher told us he was very proud of Kilmacrennan National School and its pupils. We arrived home at 4pm exhausted but it was worth it.
By, 5th Class, Scoil Cholmcille, Cill Mhic nÉanáin