Parent Zone
Seachtain na Gaeilge/ Proclamation Day.
Feb 24th
Beidh imeachtaí faoi leith ar siúl sa scoil do sheachtain na Gaeilge. As part of our 1916 Easter Rising celebrations we will raise the national flag on School Proclamation Day, Tuesday, 15th March. We will also hold a Seachtain na Gaeilge Ceolchoim/ Concert on that day. All are invited to attend. We will let you know of the details closer to the time.
General Election voting
Feb 24th
The school will be closed on Fri 26th February 2016 to facilitate voting in the General Election.
Vote for Doodle4google
Feb 10th
Anastazya Kimel, a pupil in third class in our school, has reached the national final of the Doodle4Google Art competition. The general public are asked to vote for the entries at this stage.
As there are great individual prizes-as well as a €10,000 technology prize for the overall winning school-we ask for your support. You can vote from mobile phones, laptops,computers etc. Please vote and spread the news.
You will find Anastazya’s entry in Group Two of the competition-the lovely picture with a sheep, harp, rainbow etc.
Voting closes on Sunday, 14 February.
Please visit www.doodle4google to register your vote
Enrolment of pupils for the 2016-’17 school year
Jan 19th
Kilmacrennan N.S.Enrolment.
Applications for the enrolment of new pupils in Kilmacrennan N.S. for the 2016-’17 school year took place in the school on Thursday, 4th February 2016. Birth and Baptismal Certificates, as well as PPSN, were required upon enrolment. (The closing date for applications was Wednesday 17th February 2016). All applicants will be informed of the decision of the Board of Management during the month of March.
If there are further available places, Round Two applications, for applicants who apply between February 18th and March 30th, will be informed of the decision, during the month by May. A Round Three application process may follow, subject to the availability of places.
Tráth na gCeist Boird.
Jan 18th
Bhí tráth na gceist Gaeilge ar siúl i Halla na Scoile ar na mallaibh. Bhí na ceisteanna go léir tré mhéan na Gaeilge. Is do dhaltaí ó rang a trí go rang a sé a bhí an tráth na gceist ann. Bhí ard-chaighdéan ann ar an lá. Tá na buaiteoirí le feiceáil sa ghrianghraf.

School qualifies for debating competition semi-final
Jan 15th
The inaugural Donegal Primary Schools Debating League began recently with Scoil Cholmcille, Kilmacrennan taking on Scoil Náisiunta Glassan in the first round of the competition. The standard of debating was of an extremely high nature with Kilmacrennan N.S. finally winning out. Kilmacrennan N.S. proposed the motion that school uniforms were a good idea while the students of Glassan argued against the motion. Many thanks also to the judges on the day, Mr Michéal Murray and Mr Cathal Greene for their time and expertise.
The second round of the Concern/ Donegal Education Centre debating competition took place in Fintown recently. The opposition were Drimnacrosh school, from near Glenties. There was a high standard of public speaking evident on the day. Kilmacrennan won out by the narrowest of margins, successfully shooting down the notion that social media is making us anti-social.
Kilmacrennan School were pitted against Drummand N.S. in round three of the competition. Our school carried the motion that Televisions should be allowed in children’s bedrooms and we have now qualified for the semi-final stage of the all-county competition
Ceolchoirm na Nollag
Dec 17th
The Christmas Concert and Carol Service was a great success and we wish to thank all the children for a lovely show. Many thanks to the staff too for the effort they put in too and we acknowledge the great support of parents.
We wish to thank the Parents Association for providing tea and buns.
Photographs of the children can be seen under the Gallery drop-bar.