Parent Zone
School Newsletter
Sep 4th
September 4th, 2017
Dear Parent
The new school year is up-and-running and I wish to offer a particular warm welcome all our students, inclusive of 20 newly enrolled Junior Infant pupils. There are 212 pupils on our roll this school year.
We wish to remind parents that the School Opening time is 9.10am daily and that members of staff supervise from that time only onwards. Pupils go to their classes at 9.20a.m. We respectfully ask that you do not leave your child/ren unsupervised at the school before/ after school opening/closing times.
It is important too that you inform us if your child is due to arrive to school at a slightly later time as your child may be marked absent for the day.
From Monday, 11th September, Junior Infants will finish at 2pm each day.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a few issues. We introduced parking restrictions in the car park outside the school gates a couple of years ago as we felt that there was traffic congestion there and there was an accompanying increased risk to pupil safety as a result. Therefore,
- the school car park is for staff and school bus parking only. In the interests of fairness to all, I respectfully ask all parents to co-operate with this request.
- We also request that parents use the car park between the Old School and the Chapel, or use the Chapel Road area, observing yellow line parking restrictions.
- Please accompany your child to/from the school gates at all times, using the designated pedestrian crossing point, exercising caution at all times.
- Please inform any other people who leave/collect your child to/from the school gates of these arrangements.
Please note that the school informs the National Educational Welfare Board of pupil absences each year, and that notification of cumulative pupil absences of 20 days or more are forwarded to the relevant authorities. Please inform us of the reason for any such absences, as this information can also be relayed.
We operate a school web text service whereby we occasionally send messages to individual classes/ whole school groups. We will send an introductory text message to all classes this week. Please inform us on Friday of this week if you haven’t received this text. It is essential that the school is informed of any changes to your mobile contact details.
Please ensure that all items (jumpers, coats, lunchboxes, etc) are labelled with your child’s name. We request that all pupils comply with the school Healthy Eating Policy.
Finally, the children have all settled in well and are working hard. Please encourage them with their work. Please feel free to contact the school at the earliest opportunity if you have any queries/concerns/require any information etc.
On occasion, we use our school website to post notices/pupil work etc. Please feel free to visit the site.
John Devenney.
2017 County Rounders Champions
Jun 21st
Kilmacrennan NS won their first Cumann na mBunscol title in rounders in 2017. Congratulations are due to Ms Ferry and her team on an excellent performance in the County Finals, which were held in Burt.
The achievement capped off a fine week which saw the school capture their third cup.

2017 Letterkenny Soccer Cup Champions
Jun 16th
Congratulations to our school soccer team who won the Letterkenny Primary School’s Soccer Cup in June, overcoming a determined and skillful Glenswilly outfit in a free flowing final. Kilmacrennan played an attractive brand of football and were worthy winners in the end.
Congratulations to Master O Donnell and his team on a magnificent achievement.

2017 County GAA Champions
Jun 16th
Congratulations are due to the school Gaelic team who captured the Cumann na mBunscol GAA title in style by overcoming Muff, the Inishowen champions in Glenswilly. Muff settled best and opened with four unanswered points. Kilmacrennan responded with a couple of goals and points, leaving a two point margin in our favour at half time.
Aided by the wind, Kilmac setteld well in the second half but were made to work hard by a determined Muff team. Kilmac though had enough armour in their tanks to complete the task at hand and were worthy winners of the coveted title.
Congratulations to Master Gallagher and his team.
Concern in Kilmac as ‘Ireland should leave the EU’ debate stirs
Jun 14th
Congrats are due to the school debating team who have qualified for the finals of the Ulster/ Connacht/ Midland counties Concern Debating Finals.
The school qualified for the final, having defeated the County Sligo champions in an event at the Great Northern Hotel in Bundoran on Tuesday, 13th June 2017. Kilmacrennan NS successfully carried the motion that ‘Social Media is a bad influence on children’.
Our school will face the County Roscommon champions in the final, pencilled in for Bundoran on Tuesday, 20th June. We face a weightier motion this time as we will oppose the proposal that ‘Ireland should leave the EU!’
Busy times on sporting front!
Jun 14th
Kilmacrennan are competing on several sporting fronts as term-end approaches.
The boys gaelic team will compete in the Cumann na mBunscol County Final on Wed 14th June in Glenswilly at 11.30, while our soccer team will play in the final of the Letterkenny Soccer Cup in Goose Green the following day.
The school Rounders team will play in the Cumann na mBunscol County Final on Friday, 16th June in Convoy.
Good luck to all.
Kilmac 5K Event
May 15th
The Kilmac 5K event was held in glorious weather in Kilmacrennan on Tuesday, 9th May 2017. One hundred and thirty eight runners registered for the Donegal Athletics Board Grand Prix event, with a further 270 registered walkers. Well done to all and a particular congratulations to Ivan Toner, race winner and to Monica Mc Granaghan, first female home.
We wish to sincerely thank all those who sponsored the event and record our gratitude to all the volunteers on the day.

Kilmac NS are All Ireland Champions
Apr 7th
There was great excitement in the school as our School Quiz team recently won the All Ireland u-13 Credit Union Quiz title after a pulsating and epic contest in the RDS in Dublin on Sunday, 2nd April 2017.
Over 5,500 teams initially entered this 32 county quiz, with over 20,000 children competing in the event. Kilmacrennan School qualified to represent Letterkenny Credit Union in the National Finals and this event was hosted by Aiden Power.
The questions were challenging. However our team rose to the challenge and were well positioned after the initial five rounds, scoring an impressive twenty-nine points out of a possible total of thirty. Yet this left them in second place, with one team having made a barnstorming start of thirty out of thirty.
The team of Ronan, Thomas, Eilish and Eoghain kept diligently to the task at hand and were one point behind three other teams in joint first as they entered the final round. However a great last round saw Kilmac effect a two question swing in this round, placing them one point clear, and outright winners on the day. There were huge celebrations as the result was announced. The winning school receives 1250, while the pupils receive a WII u and a silver platter
There was a rapturous welcome home in the School Hall for the winning team that night.
Comhghairdeas le gach duine.

Garda Visit to the School
Apr 7th
There was great excitement in the school recently as Garda Mc Conigley of Milford Garda District paid a visit to Ms Greene’s Junior Infant Class, and to Mrs Boyle’s Senior Infants. He gave a most informative talk, followed by a great questions and answers session The children are well briefed on the intricacies of the law now!