Parent Zone
Enrolment Applications
Jan 29th
Please note that ‘Applications for the Enrolment of New Pupils’ for the 2019-20 school year will take place in the school on Thursday, 31st January 2019 from 9.30 am-3.00p.m.
Birth Certs and PPSN are required upon enrolment.
Round One applications will close on Wednesday, 16th February.
Please contact the School Office on 0749139295 for further details.
Child Protection Review
Jan 29th
The BOM will conduct its Annual Child Protection Review (Safety Statement and Risk Assessment) at its meeting on Tuesday, 5th February. All parents should have received a copy earlier this school year and it is also available on request from the School Office or on the School Website. Please contact us if you require a further/ replacement copy.
School Newsletter
Jan 29th
Kilmacrennan NS
Nuacht-litir na Scoile
29th January 2019
Dear Parent
Please note the following,
The Ceremony of Light will take place in the Chapel today, Tuesday 29th January at 7pm. This is for the Confirmandi and their parents.
We are currently accepting Enrolment Applications for pupils for the 2019-20 school year. An Enrolment Day will be held in the school on Thursday, 31st January from 9.30 until 3pm (Birth Certs and PPSN are required upon enrolment).
We are scheduled to attend a School Mass in the Chapel at 10am on St Bridget’s Day, Friday, 1st February. All parents/grandparents/ wider community are invited to the School Hall afterwards for a cup of tea and to assist in St Bridget Cross-making.
The Credit Union Quiz is scheduled for Monday, 4th February in the Mount Errigal hotel. All participants are to be seated by 7.40pm. The pupils wear school uniforms to the event.
Confirmation of our Sixth Class pupils is scheduled for Sunday, 10th February at 12.30pm. The pupils wear school uniforms on the day.
The school will be closed on Thursday, February 21st and Friday, 22nd February (Mid-term holidays).
We thank you for your recent support of the Alice in Wonderland pantomime. The event was a sell-out and we enjoyed it greatly. Oh, yes we did. Oh no, we …..!
The BOM will conduct its Annual Child Protection Review (Safety Statement and Risk Assessment) at its meeting on Tuesday, 5th February. All parents should have received a copy earlier this school year and it is also available on request from the School Office or on the School Website. Please contact us if you require a further/ replacement copy.
Finally, to conclude with some old chestnuts; with dark, cold and wet mornings a feature of Winter, I wish to re-iterate that children should not be left unsupervised outside the school gates before our morning opening time of 9.10pm , and I request that no cars use the staff/bus car-park in the mornings and at 2 and 3pm pick-up times.
Yours sincerely,
John Devenney.
Dates for the School Diary
Jan 17th
–School Pantomime, Alice in Wonderland, in conjunction with the Letterkenny Pantomime Society, in An Grianan Theatre, Letterkenny on Saturday, 19th January at 8pm. Tickets are available from the School Office.
–Ceremony of Light– for Confirmation class, Tuesday, 29th January in the Chapel at 7pm.
–Credit Union Quiz on Monday, 4th February. Participants to be seated in the Mt Errigal at 7.40pm
-The Sacrament of Confirmation– Sunday, 10th February at 12.30pm
Note home /17th December
Dec 19th
Dear Parent,
Please note that our Christmas plays are scheduled for Wednesday of this week. The Junior to Second Class plays are from 11.30 until 12.30-ish!
The Carol Service for third to sixth class pupils is scheduled for 1pm and will last approximately 45mins.
There will be a draw for a Christmas hamper, a Christmas cake and other prizes on Wednesday. Tickets are available in the school this week at €2 per strip or three for €5.
Santa is scheduled to call to the school this Thursday.
The school will close on Friday, 21st December at 12 noon. We will re-open on Monday, 7th January.
Letterkenny Pantomime Society are hosting a performance of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in An Grianán Theatre on Saturday, 19th January at 8pm. Proceeds are in aid of Kilmacrennan school. Tickets are available from the school and the theatre.
Yours sincerely,
John Devenney.
Christmas Events
Dec 19th
Please note that we are hosting our Christmas Plays and Carol Service in the School on Wednesday, 19th December.
Junior Infants to Second Class are performing short plays in the school from 11.15 -12.30 pm.(arrive 11.15 onwards; 11.30 start)
Third to Sixth Class will host a Carol Service from 1-2pm.
Santa Claus will call to the school on Thursday, 20th December.
Sensory Space
Dec 11th
We are delighted to have recently allocated a Sensory Space within our school and are grateful to the Donegal Oil Charity Foundation who were in a position to donate resources to allow us to establish this space. Representatives of the Donegal Oil Foundation dropped in to our Junior Infants class this week to donate these resources and we are most grateful for this.

Dántaí Gaeilge ag ‘Guth Ghoill’ sna Dúnaibh
Dec 3rd
Congratulations to all who took part in the Céim Aniar poetry competition in Downings last Saturday. It was a most enjoyable day, with 41 pupils from the school participating.
D’éirigh go h-an mhaith le gach duine ar an lá. Bhuaidh Seán comórtas Rang a Ceathair agus bhuaidh Máire comórtas Rang a Sé. Bhuaidh Bríd, Róisin, Ava, Grace, Rose, Lucia, Donagh, Alanna, Cara, Patrick boinn ar an lá.
Lá Mór do na Gaeil i gCill Mhic nEanain a bhí ann. Doirn san aer.