Gaelbhratach & Quizzes

Congratulations to our, winners of the Letterkenny Credit Union school quiz under13, and to the Under 11 team who were placed joint Second.

Congratulations to our, winners of the Letterkenny Credit Union school quiz under13, and to the Under 11 team who were placed joint Second.

Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpai a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine 24th Samhain
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine 17th Samhain
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine 10th Samhain
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpai a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine 6th Deireadh Fómhair.
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine 6th Deireadh Fómhair.
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine 29th Mean Fómhair.
Cabhair do thuismitheoirí
Seo frasaí usáideacha don baile Useful phrases for home
Fáilte romhat. – You’re welcome
Más é do thoil é/Le do thoil.- Please
Ceart go leor. – Ok
Gabh mo leithscéal – Excuse me
Slán go fóill. – Bye for now
Cá bhfuil tú? – Where are you?
Cá raibh tú? – Where were you?
Ba mhaith liom… – I would like…
Níor mhaith liom… – I would not like…
An mhaith leat..? – Do you like..?
Is maith liom… – I like…
Ní maith liom… – I like…
Is fuath liom… – I hate…
An bhfuil obair bhaile agat? – Have you homework?
Seo duit do lón. – Here is your lunch.
Cuir ort do chóta. – Put on your coat
Taispeáin dom… – Show me…
Maith thú – Well done
Cén t-am é? – What time is it?
Déan deifir/ brostaigh ort.- hurry up
Isteach leat/Amach leat.- In you go/Out you go
Glan do sheomra.- Clean your room
Pioc suas é.- Pick it up
Stop ag troid- Stop fighting
Stop ag pleidhcíocht – Stop the messing
Cé leis é seo? – Who owns this?
Tabhair é seo do…- Give this to…
Tá an dinnéar réidh – Dinner is ready
Oíche mhaith – Good night
Codladh sámh. – Sleep well
Tá sé in am dul a chodladh.- It is time to go to sleep
Cas as an teilifís/ ríomhaire. – Turn off the television/ computer.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge iontach againn i Scoil Cholmcille, Cill Mhic nÉanain. Rinne gach rang alán rudaí iontacha
-bhíomar ag caint Gaeilge sa chlós agus ins na ranganna
-rinne ranganna difriúla Tráth na gCeist Gaeilge
-rinneamar ealaín bunaithe ar sheanfhocail Gaeilge
-bhí Aistear trí Ghaeilge
-ceol agus Céilí
-bhí Lá Glas againn
agus ar an Déardaoin bhí Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge i Halla na Scoile. Féach ar roinnt de na grianghrafanna a thóg an Coiste
Bhí Cruinniú ag Coiste na Scoile
Rinneamar cur síos ar an obair atá ar siúl le déanaí
Paidreacha na Maidine tré Ghaeilge
Frásaí Clóis i nGaeilge/ Nath na Seachtaine
Seanfhocail Gaeilge/ Ealaín tré Ghaeilge
Gaeilge & Corpoideachais
Na páistí sna hArdranganna ag cumadh ceisteanna Gaeilge le h-aghaidh Tráth na gCeist
Rinneamar cur síos ar an obair atá amach romhainn.
-baill ón Choiste le Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge a chur i láthair
-baill an choiste ag déanamh fógraí Gaeilge ar an idir-chom
-tuilleadh oibre de dhíth maidir le Gaeilge sa timpeallacht
-griangrafanna le tógáil inniu ag an Ceolchoirm agus baill rang a sé le iad a uaslódáil ar shuíomh na scoile
Buaiteoirí Seachtain na Gaeilge
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine, 13ú Eanair. Sa phictiúr fosta tá baill an Choiste a rinne an bronnadh.
Seo an grúpa ó Scoil Cholmcille, Cill Mhic nEanain a ghlac páirt i gComórtas Filíochta Céim Aniar sna Dúnaibh ar na mallaibh. Comhghairdeas libh.
Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine, 14ú Déireadh Fómhair. Sa phictiúr fosta tá baill an Choiste a rinne an bronnadh.
Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine
Comhghairdeas leis an grúpa a bhuaidh Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ar an Aoine, 07ú Déireadh Fómhair. Sa phictiúr fosta tá baill an Choiste a rinne an bronnadh.
Scéim Gaelbhratach na Scoile
Tráth na gCeist Seachtain na Gaeilge
seo na buaiteoirí sa tráth na gCeist a bhí ar siúl i Halla na Scoile le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seo buaiteoirí Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine i mí Eanair go dtí seo
An Coiste ag obair sa leabharlann
Na páistí ón choiste ag obair sa leabharlann ar ‘Lá Leabhair Gaeilge’.
Bhí cruinniú ag coiste na scoile .
I measc an obaír atá ar siúl sa scoil ar na mallaibh nó.
- Amhránaíocht – tionóil ceoil sé seachtaine ar siúl faoi láthair( Do Run Run, An t-Amhrán Náisiúnta, La Bamba, Oíche Chiúin)
- Dánta & filíocht ar siúl ins na ranganna
- Tionól filíochta i nGaeilge do na páistí
- Timpeall ‘s daichead páiste ag glacadh páirt i gComórtas Guth Ghoill
- Béim ar an nGaeilge labhartha sa scoil (beannachtaí, teachtaireachtaí, srl)
- Lipeídi gaeilge sa chlós/sa scoil ‘srl.
- Obair sna ranganna ar bheannachtaí, bainistíocht ranga, béim ar an nGaeilge a mhúineadh tré Ghaeilge
- Ag tosnú ar ‘Lá Leabhair Gaeilge’ sa leabharlann.
Phleímear tuaraimí chun úsaid na Gaeilge a leathnú sna seachtaine amach romhann. Bheartaíomar
- Clár le nuacht Gaeilge sa halla/sna ranganna
- Páirt la ghlacadh arís i mbliana sa scéim ‘Scriobh Leabhair Gaeilge’.
- Eolas scoile i nGaeilge ar an gclár digíteacha ag doras na scoile
- Aifreann na Scoile-Úsaid na Gaeilge le leathnú ag Aifrinn scoile
- Áit d’eolas faoin Scéim Gaelbhratach ar shuíomh idirlíon na scoile
- Blag Gaelbhratach- baill den choiste le nuacht scoile a uaslódáil ar an bhlag gach seachtain
- Ceolchoirm na Nollag-baill den choiste ag cur imeachtaí an cheolchoirm i láthair i nGaeilge.
- Tráth na gCeist a eagrú don Nollaig do na hardranganna i eagraithe tré mheán na Gaeilge, le babhtaí ceisteanna i nGaeilge amhain.
Quizzes 2017-18
Kilmacrennan NS won the recent County Primary School’s (Garda Quiz) title on the 8th March 2018. Congratulations to John-James, Jack, Éilis and Dan on a great achievement.
This is the third title won in 2017-18, along with the GAA Cumann na mBunscol County Title ( John-James, Jack, Éilis and Dan) and the LK Credit Union U-13 title. The victory in the Cumann na mBunscol quiz event completed a five-in-a-row for the school in that competition.
Letterkenny Credit Union hosted their annual quiz in the Mt Errigal Hotel in late January 2018. A number of teams from the school participated in the event.
Following an engaging contest, our U-13 team- Jack, Jack, Dan and Éilis – emerged victorious on the night and will participate in the Donegal, Derry and Tyrone Chapter Finals in March.
One of our U-11 teams- Grace, Lennie, Aisling and Hannah- finished in 3rd place, a mere two points behind the winners.
Comhghairdeas le gach duine.
Congratulations to our U-13 quiz team of Ronan, Eoghain, Thomas and Eilis who won the All Ireland Credit Union Quiz Final in the RDS in Dublin on Sunday, April 2nd. The team battled their way through stiff competition in the Chapter Final in the Mt Errigal to claim a place in the final.
Over 5,500 teams initially entered this 32 county quiz, with over 20,000 children competing in the event. Kilmacrennan School represented Letterkenny Credit Union in the National Finals and this event was hosted by Aiden Power.
The questions were challenging. However our team rose to the challenge and were well positioned after the initial five rounds, scoring an impressive twenty-nine points out of a possible total of thirty. Yet this left them in second place, with one team having made a barnstorming start of thirty out of thirty.
The team of Ronan, Thomas, Eilish and Eoghain kept diligently to the task at hand and were one point behind three other teams in joint first as they entered the final round. However a great last round saw Kilmac effect a two question swing in this round, placing them one point clear, and outright winners on the day. There were huge celebrations as the result was announced. The winning school receives 1250, while the pupils receive a WII u and a silver platter
There was a rapturous welcome home in the School Hall for the winning team that night.
Comhghairdeas le gach duine.
Well done to sixth class pupils, Thomas, Eoghain, Rory and Ronan on winning the 2017 County Final of the Garda Quiz recently. Fifteen teams from across the county converged on the Mt Errigal Hotel for the event and it proved to be a most enjoyable event
2015-’16 Cumann na mBunscol Quiz
The Cumann na mBunscol 2015-’16 County Quiz was held in the Mt Errigal hotel in November 2015. Kilmacrennan school were winners on the night and qualify for the Ulster Finals due to be held in March 2016.
Comhghairdeas le Ciarán, Ella, Eoghain agus Thomas.
2016 Credit Union Quiz
Congratulations to our quiz teams on finishing 2nd and 3rd in their respective categories in the local Credit Union quiz. A great all-round performance.
2015 All Ireland Credit Union Quiz Final
For the second year running, both our U-11 and U-13 Quiz teams emerged from a tough competition in the Letterkenny District quiz to qualify for the Chapter finals. After a tough contest with teams from Donegal, Derry and north Tyrone, both teams qualified for the All Ireland Quiz Finals at the RDS in Dublin.
Brian Dowling was quizmaster on the day. After a tough challenge that tested the best brains in the country, our U-11 team finished in fourth place while our U-13 team finished joint tenth. This is a magnificent achievement considering that 5,500 teams entered the event.
Comhghairdeas le gach duine.
The U-11 team; Eoghan, Dan, Thomas & Ronan
The U-13 team; Manus, Meabh, Ciara & Eamonn.
Congratulations to our successful Credit Union Quiz teams this year. Having won both the 2014 Letterkenny Credit Union Quiz (78 teams participated), the U-11 and U-13 teams then won the Chapter Final (teams from Donegal, Derry and Tyrone participated). They thus qualified for the All Ireland final, held in the RDS in April 2014.
All roads led to the RDS on Sunday 6th of April for the All Ireland Credit Union Quiz Finals. Both teams enjoyed a great day, finishing a mere four questions behind the winners. Both teams were also the best performers from Ulster at the event.
Well done to Manus, Eamonn, Ella and Thomas(u-11)
Having won the Co. Donegal Cumann na mBunscol Allianz Quiz final recently, the team then represented the county in the Ulster Finals in Irvinestown in March 2014. Well done to Ciara, Manus, Meabh and Conor on a great performance on the day. They finished three points clear of the 35 other teams who had qualified, thus capturing the Ulster title.
On the same day as the Ulster Quiz final, a team from the school participated in the divisional finals of the Garda Quiz. Daniel, Harrison, Grainne and Conor represented the school in this event and, in a similar vein to the other school team participating that day, they too won, finishing in first place. They will now compete in the Garda Quiz County Final in April 2014.
‘2012-’13 School Quizzes.
The Garda Quiz
Well done to the 5th class team, Adam, Darragh, Caolán and Conor who competed in the N.W Garda Quiz for Primary Schools in An Craoibhín on Friday 24th of February. After a keenly contested quiz, our school team won and have qualified for the County Final to be held in the Loreto College in Letterkenny on March 23rd. Good luck to all
2012 Credit Union Quiz.
Congratulations to the children at both U-11 and U-13 level who took part in the Donegal Credit Union quiz held in the Mt. Errigal
The two U-13 level teams put in great performances in finishing 1st and 2nd respectively in that section. The U-11 teams also excelled in their section with both teams finishing in 3rd and 4th positions. This was a great achievement considering that 92 teams in total took part. The U-13 team who were victorious will advance to the Ulster chapter of the quiz in the forthcoming weeks.
The school won the NW and Donegal Cumann na mBunscol Quiz Finals and represented the county in the Ulster Final in Armagh on Thursday, 24th March. They defeated representatives from the nine counties of Ulster to claim the coveted provincial title. Well done to Marie, Shane, Anthony and Eoin.
previous quiz winners
we hope to place information regarding previous quiz teams from the school in this section over the coming weeks