Archive for October, 2023

Nuacht Litir na Samhna/ October Newsletter

Parents’ Association News: The Parents’ Association (PA) are holding the Annual Halloween Family Quiz in the School Hall on Thursday, 26 October at 7pm. All children attending must be accompanied by an adult. The PA ask for donations for prizes (biscuits, sweets, small vouchers etc). It’s €5 per family for the quiz. Raffle tickets will be sold on the night and there will be a tuck shop too.

Pupil Events:  Well done to all who took part in the School’s Cross-Country event in Milford recently. Our U 9 Boys and Girls, our U 11 Boys and Girls and our U 13 Boys won Team Gold, while our U 13 Girls won team silver medals. Kilmacrennan NS won the Best Overall School Award on the day. The top four runners in each team qualify for the Donegal School’s Cross-Country Finals and this will take place in Inishowen in mid-October.

The school will participate in the Letterkenny District League (Soccer), with the first game scheduled for later this week. The School House Leagues are up and running for Fourth to Sixth with the First to Third Class League scheduled for next term.

Wainfest: A number of classes in our school will attend Wainfest Literary events this month; (details to follow). Pupils in Second and Fifth classes will partake in swimming lessons next term (details to follow).

Parent-Teacher Meetings: The SET teachers will schedule meetings of pupils availing of Learning Support or English as an Additional Language (EAL) in late October, while the PT meetings are scheduled for 23 November.

Board of Management News: We wish to welcome Fr Martin Chambers as the new Chairperson of our Board of Management, and wish him all the best in this role. We too wish to thank Fr Patrick Dunne, outgoing Chairperson, for his much valued dedication and service over the terms of the last two Boards of Management and wish him well in his new post. We too offer our sympathy and condolences to the families of the recently deceased Mrs Anne Gallagher, Churchill (who taught for approximately forty years in our school) and to Fr Conaghan, our former Chairperson.

The four-year term of the present Board of Management is due to end on 30 November. We will be in touch regarding the formation of a new Board shortly, with Parent Nominee meeting on 14 November.

Please note that we post an Agreed Report from each Board of Management meetings under the Parents’ dropbar.

Halloween Holidays: The school will close for the Halloween Holidays at 3pm on Friday 27 October and re-open on Monday 6 November. Pupils are free to dress up in Halloween costume on the day, if they so wish.     

  • School Holidays

    • Enrolment News

      We will accept enrolment applications for Mainstream and ASD classes for the 2025/26 school year from Monday 6 January 2025 until Wednesday 29 January 2025.

      The number of available spaces in these rooms will be notified in December 2024.


      Use the first link for Applications to our Mainstream Junior Infant class & for applications to other Mainstream Classes

      New Enrolments

      Enrolment Application Form  school year

      Please attach a copy of the child's Birth Certificate with the application.

      Please contact the School Office for Information regarding Applications for our ASD Class.

      Forms for Special Class Applications are listed below.

      NCSE-Application-Form-1-Application-for-access-to-SNA-support (9)

      SEN-School-Transport-Application-Form (22)

    • May Bank Holiday
      We are closed on Monday 5 May
    • June Bank Holiday
      We are closed on Monday 2 June
    • Summer Holidays
      Provisional Closing Date is Friday 20 June
    • Easter Holidays
      We are closed from Mon 14th- to Friday 25th April inclusive.
      To make up lost school time, schools may stay open until 16th April