Archive for June, 2014
School Book Lists & Book Rental.
Jun 3rd
School Book Lists for 2014-15 are now available; copies of these are also posted on the website (under Classes dropbar).
A School Book Rental system is also in place for pupil’s from Third to Sixth classes at a cost of €20 per pupil, subject to a family maximum contribution of €50. Each booklist from Third to Sixth classes specifies the books provided by the Book Rental Scheme and workbooks which need to be purchased. For those wishing to participate in the rental scheme, please forward your contribution to the school by Wednesday, 11th June. This will allow the school to purchase books before the summer recess.
As the vast majority of books required from Junior to Second classes are workbooks, it will be necessary to purchase these. The school does provide readers for these classes. There is no charge for this.