Parent Zone
Cyberbullying and Internet Safety.
Jan 23rd
‘Cyberbullying and Internet Safety-what parents need to know’.
The above information session will be presented by Adrienne Katz, (Bullying Intervention Group, UK) in the Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny on Monday, Jan 28th 2013.
To book a place please call Louise Callaghan on 0749104693.
The session has been organised by Health Promotion, HSE West.
Réalt Uladh.
Jan 23rd
Comhghairdeas le gach duine a ghlac páirt in Réalt Uladh ar na mallaibh. Déirigh thar barr le gach duine agus rinne siad an-iarracht.
The Réalt Uladh Gaelic language poetry competition was held in the LYIT on Saturday, 1st March. The school had a large number of entrants in both poetry, writing and singing competitions. We won several categories on the day. Maith sibh.
Kilmacrennan 5K Road Race/ Walk.
Jan 23rd
Please note that the Kilmacrennan 5K Road Race/Walk is scheduled for Tuesday, 14th May 2013 as part of the Donegal Athletic Board’s Grand Prix Series of events. Further details to follow.
Catholic School’s Week/ Invite to Grandparent’s..
Jan 23rd
Please note that Catholic School’s Week will be held nationally, commencing on Monday, 28th February. We will attend a Prayer Service in the chapel on Thursday morning, the 31st January at 10a.m. We hope to incorporate this with ‘Grandparent’s Day’and invite all grandparents’, if available, to the service, and thereafter to the school for an informal chat/cup of tea/ to assist in St. Brigid cross making.

Comórtas Filíochta.
Oct 5th
D’éirigh thar barr le gach duine a ghlac páirt i gcomórtas dántaí sna Dúnaibh i mí na Nollag. Maith sibh go léir.
Well done to the 28 children from the school who participated in a gaelic poetry competition in Downings recently and particular congratulations to Mary, Róisín, Ella, Lauren and Thomas, prizewinners in their respective categories.
2012 Cross Country Success
Oct 5th
Well done to all who participated in the Donegal School’s Cross Country Championship in Finn Valley recently, returning with a magnificent haul of 11 individual and three team medals. The U-9 Boys and U-11 girls won a bronze team award while a first, second, fourth, fifth and eighteenth place finish (out of a field in excess of 100 runners) ensured a gold award for our U-11 Boy’s team. Well done to all.
We look forward to the Ulster Championships in Fintra in November. Training will continue for all athletes.
First Communion Date.
Oct 5th
Please note that the First Holy Communion is scheduled for Sunday, 28th April at 12.30pm 2013 in St. Columba’s Chapel, Kilmacrennan.
Welcome Note.
Sep 3rd
We wish to welcome all to the new school term in Kilmacrennan. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a few issues.
Please encourage your child positively in their work, offering as much support as possible.
Please let us know of any areas of concern at the earliest opportunity.
We wish to remind you that the carpark at the school is for bus and staff parking only.
We wish to remind you that the School Official Opening time is 9.10a.m. We do not accept responsibilty for pupils before this time.
We encourage you to accompany your child to and from the school gates.
Feel free to contact me if you require any further information.
Yours sincerely,
John Devenney.