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April Newsletter

April Newsletter

We wish to welcome you all back after the Easter holidays and hope that all enjoyed the break. Please note that

  • A three-week gymnastics programme for all pupils is starting in the school tomorrow, Wed 10th April. Citadel Gymnastics will oversee this and we ask for a once-off payment of €5 per child towards the cost. (€10 per family maximum contribution).
  • Our Hot Meals Dinner programme is due to start on Monday, 15th April. Pupils should have received log in details and select from the menu on the Fresh Today app. If this is not done, the company will select a dinner for you. Pupils must also bring in their own 11 o’ clock snack break and drink.
  • Our athletics team will compete in the School’s Sportshall Athletics event in the Aura on Monday, 15th. Participants will receive a separate note re bus, entry, lunches and gear.
  • Confirmation for pupils in Sixth Class is on Tuesday, 16th April at 6pm. All confirmandi and sponsors to be seated by 5.40pm.
  • We have been included in the Say Yes to Modern Languages programme for this term. Pupils from Third to Sixth Class will be involved with a weekly class in Spanish from Thursday, 18th April onwards.
  • Other ongoing and forthcoming activities include a cycling course, basketball training, school gardening, GAA Blitz, School Track and Field event, the Children of the Eucharist programme, Spelling Bee, outings, a visit to the Young at Heart while the Green School Committee will oversee an International/ Culture Day under our Global Citizenship awareness campaign.
  • The PA will hold their next meeting in the School Hall on Wed 17th April at 7.30pm.
  • Please note that the Kilmac 5k is scheduled for Friday, 17th May at 7.30pm.

Yours sincerely, John Devenney.

March Newsletter

School News: The children are quite busy at school on a number of fronts. Many are participating in activities such as swimming, athletics & Sportshall training, instrumental music tuition, sacramental practice, school quizzes, Scríobh Leabhar Gaeilge, Seachtain na Gaeilge events, and more. Our quiz teams have recently qualified for the Garda Quiz County Final and the Credit Union Quiz Chapter Final. Fifth Class are due to participate in a five-week school-based Cycling Course from Monday 11 March onwards.

World Book Day is scheduled for 7 March. Pupils are free to dress up in literary costumes/ favourite characters/ film or book them event, if they so wish. Beidh Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge i Halla na Scoile ar an 15ú Aibréan.

The Children of the Eucharist programme will continue for Second and Sixth classes on Thursday 14 March while the First Confessions will be held later in the month, date to be confirmed.

Gymnastics is a part of our PE curriculum but staff feel that pupils best learn from the experience and expertise of qualified personnel. Accordingly, we hope to facilitate three workshops hosted by Citadel for all classes for three weeks between St Patrick’s Day and the Easter holidays. We respectfully ask for a €5 contribution per child to cover the cost of the three lessons (family max payment of €10).

Well done to all who participated in Feis Leitir Ceanainn. We had quite a few winners on the day. Comhghairdeas le gach duine.

There has also been great egg-citement in the school recently as our School Chick project came home to roost; some of the pupils were quite shell-shocked to see three new chick hatchlings born.

Parents’ Association: We wish to thank the Parents’ Association for their much appreciated fundraising initiatives in helping to maintain investment in the school. A Silver Circle Draw is underway at present while volunteers will be required to help at an Easter Draw at the Millbridge Shop on Sat 30 March. 

A Kilmacrennan Tractor Run Event is planned by the Parents’ Association for the St Patrick’s Bank Holiday Monday (18th March). All proceeds are invested in pupil resources: we have already purchased further musical resources and further plan to upgrade pupil IT resources this year. A new interactive smartboard has been purchased for First Class in recent weeks.

School Lunches: The school has been included in the latest roll-out of Hot School Meals and this is provisionally pencilled in for after Easter. Further details will issue in due course.

School Building Project: The Special Education Class extension to the building is underway and it is hoped to open this in time for the next school year.

School Closures: The school will close on Friday 8 March 2022 to facilitate voting in the forthcoming Referendum.

The school will close on St Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday Monday (18th March) and will close for two weeks for the Easter Holidays on 22nd March 2022.

This newsletter is also posted on Grace, our School Secretary, has also been posting weekly Throwback Thursday photographs on the Gallery Section of the website with photographs of former pupils and school events over the years.

February Newsletter

Upcoming events

Wednesday 31st Jan: We wish our School Debating team all the best as they debate the motion ‘Electric Cars are the best way to cut a country’s emissions’ in the fourth round of the Donegal Primary School’s Concern Debating League this week.

Thursday 1st Feb: All Grandparents’ (or family/ neighbour etc) are invited to our Grandparents’ Day this Thursday, 1st February. Second and Sixth Class pupils will first attend morning mass in the Chapel at 9.30am with St Bridget’s Cross making in the School Hall from 10am-12 noon. Sixth Class pupils will also attend a Sacramental Preparation in the Chapel on Thursday from 1.15pm-2.45pm.

Friday 2nd February: Our Student Council is organising a Non-Uniform Day this Friday, 2nd February. The charge is €2 per child (max €5 per family). Any proceeds will be for play resources as identified by the Council.

Monday, 5 February: There will be no school for pupils on this day. (Bank Holiday).

Thursday 8th: Second Class pupils will attend a Children of the Eucharist preparation workshop. 

Tuesday 13 February: The Parents’ Association are organising a Valentine Bake Sale (€2 per treat). All support is appreciated (donations of homebakes, shop bought goods etc). There will also be free pancakes available for all children on the day.

Thurs 15th & Fri 16th February: The school is closed for Mid-term break.

RSE/Stay Safe

Stay Safe lessons will be taught this term. The teachers will issue notice of the lesson content of sensitive issues in advance of this. Please familiarise yourself with the information detail.

Silver Circle

The Parents Association will host a 5-week Silver Circle draw from Feb 22nd until March 21st this year. There will be three prizes each week of €80, €50 and €30. Your support for this fundraiser would be greatly appreciated. Further details to follow.

The school gratefully acknowledge receipt of €600 from the Parent’s Association. This money has been spent on musical equipment.

For your Calendar

The Ceremony of Light for Sixth Class pupils is scheduled for Wed 21st Feb at 7pm.

The school will be closed on Friday 8th March (Referendum Voting)

The Sacrament of Confirmation is scheduled for Tuesday 16 April at 6pm.

First Holy Communions are scheduled for Saturday, 11th May at 11 noon.

Please visit our website homepage for the School Calendar.

January Newsletter

January Newsletter

School News

The pupils are busy at school this term and we look forward to a number of upcoming school events, including Vex Robotics for Sixth Class, a School Debating event, Credit Union Quiz, Féis Leitir Ceanainn, Scríobh Leabhair Gaeilge and the Children of the Eucharist programme.

We will once again host a Grandparents’ Day & St Bridget Cross-Making in the School Hall on 1 February 2024. All are welcome to attend.

Hot Meals programme

Our school has been included in the extended roll out of the Hot Meals Scheme. This means that the pupils will be able to avail of hot dinners provided at school. We hope this will start in April/May. We will be in touch with further details closer to the time.

School Enrolment

Please note that we are currently accepting enrolment applications for new pupils for the 2024/25 school year. The closing date for applications is 29th January 2024.

February Bank Holiday

Please note that the school will be closed for pupils on Monday 5th February (St Bridget’s Bank Holiday).

Parent’s Association

The Parents Association have postponed tonight’s meeting in the School Hall and will reschedule for next Wednesday 24th January at 7.15pm.


We encourage parents to participate in a Wellbeing Survey, details of which will be forwarded through an Aladdin in the next few days.

School Closure Info

In the event of an unforeseen school closure (ice/ snow/ frost etc), please note that we will inform parents of such closures in the morning via an Aladdin text.

Please make your own judgement call regarding attendance and travel on days where the school remains open during such weather.

Yours sincerely,

John Devenney.

Enrolment Opening on 8 January 2024

Enrolment applications for 2025-26 schoolyear will be accepted from 6 January 2025 until 29 January 2025. Please use the online application form on the left tab-bar of the home page (New Enrolment link) or contact the School Office on 0749139295 for an application form.

Further information on Admission practices and procedures are posted on the school website.

Curriculum Day Closure

The school will close for pupils on Monday 15 January 2024 to facilitate Staff training for the new Mathematics Curriculum

Christmas Carols & Music Show

We will host a Christmas Carols and Music Service in the School Hall on Wednesday 20 December 2023.

Junior to Second Class: Starts at 10am

Third to Sixth Class: Starts at 11.15am

Dress rehearsal on Tuesday 19th December. The pupils are free to wear Christmas jumpers on the day (and for the remainder of the week).

There will be a draw for a Christmas Hamper and Selection Boxes on the day. Tickets are €2 each, or three for €5 . They can be purchased in the Office or bought on the day.

The Parents’ Association will serve teas on the day. Please let Pauline G know if you are in a position to help out on the day. Donations of biscuits, buns etc by Tuesday 19th would be greatly appreciated.

Santa is due to pay a visit to the school later next week.

Enrolment Info

Enrolment 24/25 Notice

PART 1 – Admissions to the 2024/25 school year

Application and Decision Dates for admission to Kilmacrennan NS 2024/2025

The following are the dates applicable for admission to Junior Infants

1 The school will commence accepting applications for admission on:  Monday 8 January 2024
2 The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on: Monday 29 January 2024.
3 The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is: 19 February 2024
4 The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is: 26 Feb 2024

Note: Applications made after the 21-day period will be processed as late applications.  The school will consider and issue decisions on late applications in accordance with the school’s admission policy.

Failure of an applicant to accept an offer by F may result in the offer being withdrawn.

Special Class Application and Decision Dates for admission to Kilmacrennan NS 2024/2025

The following are the dates applicable for admission to the school’s Special Classes which caters for children with Autism

Note: The figures set out below in relation to the Special Classes are subject to change dependent on whether current students in the Special Classes retain their place in the school and whether a student(s) transfers into the school after the publication of this Notice.

1 The school will commence accepting applications for admission to the special class on:   Monday 8 January 2024
2 The school shall cease accepting applications for admission to the special class on: Monday 29 January 2024.
3 The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application for admission to the special class is: 19 February 2024
4 The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is:   26 February 2024

Note: Applications made after the 21-day period will be processed as late applications.  The school will consider and issue decisions on late applications in accordance with the school’s admission policy.

Failure of an applicant to accept an offer by the specified date may result in the offer being withdrawn

Other Year Groups Application and Decision Dates for admission to Kilmacrennan NS 2024/2025

The following are the dates applicable for admission to other year groups (Senior Infants to 6th class):

1 The school will commence accepting applications for admission to other year groups on: Monday 8 January 2024
2 The school shall cease accepting applications for admission to other year groups on: Monday 29 January 2024.
3 The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is:   19 February 2024
4 The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is: 26 February 2024

Note: Applications made after the 21-day period will be processed as late applications; the school will consider and issue decisions on late applications in accordance with the school’s admission policy.

Failure of an applicant to accept an offer by the specified date may result in the offer being withdrawn.

Information about the number of places that will be available in the next school year 2024/2025

The figures set out below in relation to the Special Class are subject to change dependent on whether current students in the Special Classes retain their place in the school and whether a student(s) transfers into the school after the publication of this Notice.

The number of places being made available in Junior Infants is 30
The number of places being made available in the special class* catering for children with ASD is 1.  1  
The number of places being made available in other year groups:
Senior Infants  0 places 0
1st Class            0 0
2nd Class            4 4
3rd Class            0 0
4th Class             3  
5th Class             1
6th Class            0 0

Kilmacrennan NS has not accepted applications for places prior to the commencement of Section 62 of the Education (Admission to Schools) 2018 on 1 February 2020.

Nuacht Litir

Nuacht-Litir na Nollag

All pupils are busy at school at the moment and many have been enjoying swimming lessons, football leagues, Science Day, GAA coaching and outings over the past few weeks We wish to congratulate our school Debating team who recently qualified for Round Three of the Concern Debating Championship. Comhghairdeas leis na daltaí ó SN Cill Mhic nÉanain a ghlac páirt sa chómórtas filíochta Guth Ghoill sna Dúnaibh ar na mallaibh. Congratulations to all those who participated in the recent Irish language poetry event in Downings and well done to our winners. We also have a team competing in the Cumann na mBunscol quiz this week and we wish them well.

The Parent’s Association wish to thank all who helped and contributed to ensure that the recent movie night in the school was a success.

In the interests of road safety for all, we wish to thank you for the ongoing efforts to keep the pedestrian crossing area on the main road clear of parked cars. We note that An Garda Síochána members have attended there on occasion too, and thank them for their continued support.

We have scheduled our Christmas Shows/Carol Service for the morning of Wednesday 20th December. We will host a draw for a Christmas Hamper on the day.

We hope to have a Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 22nd December.

We will close for the Christmas Holidays at 12noon on Friday 22nd December, and re-open on January 8th.

November Newsletter

1 November Newsletter 2023

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Board of Management Election

The four-year term of our Board of Management is coming to an end later this month and I wish to thank the outgoing Board for their dedication and commitment to the school over the last number of years.

We propose to hold a meeting to elect parent nominees to the incoming Board in the School Hall on Tuesday, 14 November at 7.15. Nominations will be sought at the meeting from parents for persons to stand for election as parent nominees on the Board for both a mother’s panel and a father’s panel and a ballot held.

Parent’s Association

The PA are holding a meeting in the school on Tuesday, 14 November at 730pm (following the Parent Nominees to the BOM meeting process). All are welcome.

In other News,

The deadline for the Christmas Shoebox Appeal is this Friday morning, 9 November at 9.30am. If participating, please drop your box in to the School Office by then.

GAA coaching lessons will take place for all classes this term on Fridays of each week. Second and Fifth class pupils have started swimming lessons this term.

Details of a HSE Children’s Vaccination programme have been sent home with pupils in Snr Infants only. Please return your preference to the school in the enclosed envelope by the weekend.

We wish to congratulate our Debating Team on winning Round One of the Donegal Concern Debating Competition and we look forward to Round Two later this month.

The Parent-Teacher Meetings are scheduled for the afternoon/early evening of Thursday 23 November. Class teachers will arrange an appointment form in due course.

Guth Ghoill, an Irish language poetry event, is scheduled to be held in Downings on Saturday 1 December. Please let us know this week if your child is interested in participating.

Reminder: to refresh names on jumpers, t-shirts, coats, personal belongings etc; particularly needed by swimming groups as items of clothing mix-ups can often happen.

Reminder: No parents to drop/collect their child by car at the School Gate. This area is reserved for bus and staff parking only.

This Newsletter is also posted on (under School News).

Kilmacrennan NS

  • School Holidays

    • Enrolment News

      We will accept enrolment applications for Mainstream and ASD classes for the 2025/26 school year from Monday 6 January 2025 until Wednesday 29 January 2025.

      The number of available spaces in these rooms will be notified in December 2024.


      Use the first link for Applications to our Mainstream Junior Infant class & for applications to other Mainstream Classes

      New Enrolments

      Enrolment Application Form  school year

      Please attach a copy of the child's Birth Certificate with the application.

      Please contact the School Office for Information regarding Applications for our ASD Class.

      Forms for Special Class Applications are listed below.

      NCSE-Application-Form-1-Application-for-access-to-SNA-support (9)

      SEN-School-Transport-Application-Form (22)

    • February Mid-Term
      We will close on Thursday, 20 February 2025, and Friday, 21 February 2025
    • St Patrick's Day
      We will close on Monday 17th March 2025
    • May Bank Holiday
      We are closed on Monday 5 May
    • June Bank Holiday
      We are closed on Monday 2 June
    • Summer Holidays
      Provisional Closing Date is Friday 20 June
    • Easter Holidays
      We are closed from Mon 14th- to Friday 25th April inclusive.
      To make up lost school time, schools may stay open until 16th April