4th Class
The Vikings

Is Breá Linn Gaeilge!

Chinese New Year

4th Class enjoyed their day out at Puffin Rock Habitats Exhibition in Glenveagh National Park!
GAA with Manus!
Happy Halloween!
Oíche Shamhna
All about the Antarctica!

Is Breá Linn Gaeilge!

John Ruddy aka Manny Man giving heritage talk on St Columba to R4
A few masterpieces from R4
Hurling and Camogie coaching with Adrian
Great excitement yesterday with these wee creatures. Thank you Jamie for taking them in.

A few 4th class masterpieces 💐

3rd and 4th class had their sponsored walk today. What a glorious day! Even the sun made an appearance ☀️
Lá féile Pádraig

World Book Day!

All about me!


Christmas Jumper Day! ⛄️

Sa Bhaile

Happy Halloween

Fourth Class
A School Book Rental system is in place for pupils from Third to Sixth classes at a cost of €35 per pupil, subject to a family maximum contribution of €60. For this fee, the school provides the following books:
Mathematics: Planet Maths 4
English : My Read at Home 4 (CJ Fallon), Starlight 4 and Treasury D,
Gaeilge: Léigh sa Bhaile D (CJ Fallon) and Abair Liom F,
SESE: Small World History & Small World Science and Geography (CJ Fallon)
Other : Class Novels in English and Gaeilge. Religion books.
The rental fee can be paid in late June, or the first week of the new term. Alternatively, you may purchase the above books at your own expense.
It will also be necessary for all (including those availing of the School Book Rental) to purchase the following workbooks for the 2022/23 school year.
New Wave Mental Maths 4 (Prim Ed)
Spellbound 4 (CJ Fallon)
Ríra 4 (CJ Fallon)
New Wave English in Practice 4
Just Maps 4 (educate.ie)
Go with the Flow Handwriting F (CJ Fallon)
Mindful Matters 4 SPHE (CJ Fallon)
It is school policy to have pupil names in Irish on copies etc; personalised School Diaries will be available on opening week. Please also ensure pencils, etc. are all labelled so each child only uses their own pencil,etc.
Other requirements
2 X Sum Copies, 2x Small pocket notebook, 2X Class Copies, 5 X Spare Copies, 2 X Pencils, 2 X Red Pens 2 X Blue Pens, 2 X Black Pens, Eraser, Sharpener, Long Ruler, Twistables, Black sharpie, set of markers, Pritt Stick x 2, Mathematical Set, Earphones. Polypockets, Highlighter, Ringbound folder with subject dividers.

Our chicks have finally arrived. Great egg-citement in the class.
Country Projects
Forest Silhouettes
Taking advantage of the good weather and going for a nature walk to the forest
Happy St Patrick’s Day ☘️
La Fhéile Pádraig


Christmas Reindeer

Advent of peace Hope love and joy

Our Advent


All about me!
Having Fun & Keeping Active
Forest Art

deisgning our own posters

Fourth Class
A School Book Rental system is in place for pupils from Third to Sixth classes at a cost of €35 per pupil, subject to a family maximum contribution of €60. For this fee, the school provides the following books:
Mathematics: Planet Maths 4
English : My Read at Home 4 (CJ Fallon), Starlight 4 and Treasury D,
Gaeilge: Léigh sa Bhaile D (CJ Fallon) and Abair Liom F,
SESE: Let’s Discover History 4, Let’s Discover Geography 4; Let’s Discover Science 4 Journal (CJ Fallon)
Other : Class Novels in English and Gaeilge. Religion books.
The rental fee can be paid in late June, or the first week of the new term. Alternatively, you may purchase the above books at your own expense.
It will also be necessary for all (including those availing of the School Book Rental) to purchase the following workbooks for the 2021/22 school year.
New Wave Mental Maths 4 (Prim Ed)
Spellbound 4 (CJ Fallon)
Fuaimeanna agus Focail 4 (Folens)
New Wave English in Practice 4
Just Maps 4 (educate.ie)
Go with the Flow Handwriting F (CJ Fallon)
Mindful Matters 4 SPHE (CJ Fallon)
It is school policy to have pupil names in Irish on copies etc; personalised School Diaries will be available on opening week. Please also ensure pencils, etc. are all labelled so each child only uses their own pencil,etc.
Other requirements
2 X Sum Copies, 2x Small pocket notebook, 2X Class Copies, 5 X Spare Copies, 2 X Pencils, 2 X Red Pens 2 X Blue Pens, 2 X Black Pens, Eraser, Sharpener, Long Ruler, Twistables, Black sharpie, set of markers, Pritt Stick x 2, Mathematical Set, Earphones. Polypockets, Highlighter, Ringbound folder with subject dividers.
Christmas Art

Christmas Art

Working hard on our Xmas Art
Week beginning
Well done on the work last week and for keeping the momentum going
throughout this difficult time!
I hope you enjoyed the virtual tour and thank you so much for your pictures. The suitcases, passports, dollars and goodies were brilliant!
It’s our final week-I still can’t believe we’re ending this school year this way!
This week is going to be Virtual Sports Week- a nice way to end the year. I’ve emailed you packs.
There are many activities in the pack-feel free to choose what you wish to do. Why not add a competitive element by making it a family sports day! Send me on any pictures/videos!
I’d like to wish you all the most wonderful summer and hopefully when we return in August things will have settled lots.
I look forward to seeing you then(although I may not recognise some of you, judging by the photos. Getting so grown up!)
Take care,
Ms. Ferry
Feel free to do what’s listed below-ONLY IF YOU WISH.
This final week we will focus on 12 times tables.
Mental maths finishing up the book if possible.
Eng in practice, finishing up the book.
Week beginning 08/06/20
Well done on the wonderful work last week!
I received an excellent diagram of the layers of the skin and the main glands-so well presented! Some lovely poems also and pictures of our houses of cards!
Next week, we will be having a very exciting week as it will be our Virtual Sports Week! Lots of fun!
Just a reminder my email for contact and samples of work/queries is msferryr4@gmail.com
It’s our virtual school tour week!
So on Tuesday, I want you all to take the day off your usual work and go online for our virtual school tour!
On Monday night I want you to pack a nice yummy school tour lunch for yourself for our day! Along with the usual school tour treats!!
Emails will be sent to parents on Monday with the link for our tour!
I’m very excited!
RTE home school hub on RTE 2 daily at 11am
This week we will focus on 11 times tables.
There is always extra work in Mental Maths and English in Practice so we will use next few weeks to get those covered. It’s good revision also.
Mental maths next week, week 35 and also Week 36
Again, there’s extra work in English in Practice so we’ll do 2 days per day in this.
Eng in practice, next week, days 141-148
Write a Bucket List of things they’d like to do this summer and email me them(Only if you wish).
Abair Liom
(just writing the missing words will suffice for this weeks activities)
Lth 167 F
Lth 168 G
Lth 169 H
Lth 170
(just writing the missing words will suffice)
Lth 172 –Quite difficult. Place correct verbs in sentences. Look up the verb meanings to assist.
STEM Challenge-only if you wish.
This weeks STEM challenge is to…
‘Build your name in 3D’
Best of luck! I look forward to seeing the pictures.
Feel free to use any materials you wish.
Art- Father’s Day Card/Someone Special to me card. I will send on pictures of suggestions for Father’s Day Cards via email if you wish to attempt one. Or try out your own creative design!
PE-why not try Yoga this week! Cosmic Kids Yoga have many videos for children to practice Yoga.
Week beginning
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend.
Thank you for your emails this week. I received more pictures of our wonderful dioramas, the aeroplane STEM challenge along with the most wonderful poster all about the life of Amelia Earhart-just fabulous!
I’m so impressed with our PowerPoint presentations. I received a few based on the interesting life of Amelia Earhart-they were so professional and so informative!
Great to see lots of you did the Superhero PE challenge also!
I know it’s probably getting harder to get the motivation these days but there’s a few nice things coming up over the next couple of weeks!
Now I hope you all have nothing on Tuesday week, the 9th of June….as…we…are…going…to…be…going…on…our…VIRTUAL SCHOOL TOUR!!!
Details will be forwarded next week to all emails.
Where??Hmmm…further afield than usual…make sure you have your passports…maybe pack some ‘cookies’ and ‘fries’… some ‘dollars’ for snacks and wear your ‘sneakers’ and ‘pants’!!! That’s enough clues for now! Can’t wait!
Just a reminder if you’ve still to contact me, my email for contact and samples of work/queries is msferryr4@gmail.com
The virtual school tour will be emailed so please ensure I have your email.
TG4 have an educational programme on daily at 10am
RTE home school hub on RTE 2 daily at 11am
Read as much as possible in spare time-books, comics, magazines-all beneficial!
Readtheory.org as mentioned
This week we will focus on 7 times tables.
Starter activity- mathsstarters.net
There is always extra work in Mental Maths and English in Practice so we will use the next few weeks to get those covered. It’s good revision also.
Mental maths next week, week 33 starting on Tuesday due to Bank Hol
and also Week 34
Pg 186-Topic-General Revision*These are quite a generic 3 pages if you wish to try.
Instead I usually use this time of year to ask the children what they’d like to revisit ie. what they find difficult. I’d recommend revising topics they have difficulty in over next 3 weeks. I usually revise Fractions, Multiplication, Division and Time but let your child guide you.
Again, there’s extra work in English in Practice so we’ll do 2 days per day in this.
Eng in practice, next week, days 133-140
Spellings-next week, list 32-final week of spellings!
Starlight pg 189 Activity G if you wish. I’d love the children to email me their poem if completed. I know what brilliant poets there are in R4!
Litriu gaeilge-next week, aonad 29
Abair Liom
Lth 164 on Abair Liom F ebook on folensonline.com.
Read story. Look up some difficult words.
Here’s a link to hear story online.
Lth 165 A
To help…
Cad as.. where is/are …from
Cad a tharla-what happened
Cén fáth-why
Lth 166 D using the phrase ‘sna tríthí gáire’(in stitches laughing)
Lth 167 E-Comhrá. Link below to listen to it.
Duolingo to practice Irish vocab.
www.robo.ie on Friday.
Unit 20 Human Body.
Read all about the Breathing Body on pages 116-119.
Activities A,B on pg 119.
If you wish you can attempt the experiment on pg 119
The following is a link to watch a video on You-Tube all about the lungs.
For the next few weeks instead of all the usual SESE lessons I’m going to give a STEM activity for your child to attempt.
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math and activities involving these fields have a huge impact on kids. Even the simplest STEM activities provide numerous opportunities for kids to learn and explore STEM
This weeks challenge is to ‘Build a House of Cards’
Please send me pictures of the finished product.
Good luck!
Some alternative activities
PE- why not try skipping this week- a great heart races and skill development!
Art- Reminder of last weeks activity if you wish to complete it.
Draw a picture of your real life hero in this difficult time of the Corona Virus. This is based on a competition online. If your wish you can visit www.drawourheroes.ie for details on how to submit your entry to the competition. Good luck!
For any child interested in sketching and drawing drawingnow.com has step by step tutorials
Practice typing skills an dancemattypingguide.com